The latter half of the script deletes any folders or subfolders now empty after the purge. A deletelog.txt file is created to report on all file and folders that have now been removed. As always, please share below your PowerShell automation scripts to possibly add to or bet...
Batch File or script to change reg value batch file that exports registry key Batch printing Publisher files with 'Microsoft Print to PDF' printer batch/scripts file fro deleting files older than X days bcdedit commands not working beginner issue with "unexpected token" error Best way to determin...
.EXAMPLE Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 #Remove Files In The Target Path That Are Older Than The Specified Age (in days), Recursively. Remove-AgedItems -Path 'C:\Users\rholland\TesfFunction' -Age 7 -Force #Remove Files In The ...
but here's some code that will first delete all of the files older than 15 days, and then recursively delete any empty directories that may have been left behind. My code also uses the-Forceoption to delete hidden and read-only files as well. Also, I chose to not use aliases as the...
如果意外刪除檔案共用,則此指令碼可協助您將其取消刪除。 檔案共用的虛刪除安全性功能可讓您選擇在 14 天的保留期間內取消刪除檔案共用,以允許復原所有檔案共用內容、快照集和復原點。 若要深入瞭解虛刪除,請造訪此連結。 範例指令碼 PowerShell複製 #Import-Module Az.Storage -MinimumVersion 1.7.0 -Scope L...
You can also use Register-EngineEvent to have the script block execute when the PowerShell session ends.For script-based modules, you would add this code to the .PSM1 file or put it in a startup script that is listed in the ScriptsToProcess property of the module manifest....
Get-SPOSiteFileVersionBatchDeleteJobProgress Get-SPOSiteFileVersionExpirationReportJobProgress Get-SPOSiteGroup Get-SPOSitePages Get-SPOSiteRenameState Get-SPOSiteReview Get-SPOSiteScript Get-SPOSiteScriptFromList Get-SPOSiteScriptFromWeb Get-SPOSiteUserInvitations Get-SPOSiteVersionPolicyJobProgress Get-SPOStorage...
In PSReadLine 2.1 along with PowerShell 7.1, we added the ability to have predictive intellisense. This is more than just tab-completion in that a predictor could leverage machine learning to predict what the user is typing to make them more productive or help them understand a complex command...
than ever to store and access your secrets in PowerShell, whether you need to save credentials locally on your dev machine, or pull secrets from a remote vault within your cloud automation. This enables sharing scripts that rely on secrets without sharing the actual secrets within the script. ...
You set this parameter by using a script. You shouldn't modify this parameter manually. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange ...