Powerline fonts Powerline 是一款 Vim statusline 的插件,它用到了很多特殊的 icon 字符。Powerline fonts 是一个字体集,本质是对一些现有的字体打 patch,把 powerline icon 字符添加到这些现有的字体里去,目前对 30 款编程字体打了 patch. Oh My Zsh! 是一个很受欢迎的 zsh 配置管理工具,它的一些主题需要...
🌁 Apple's SF Mono font patched for Powerline support powerlinepowerline-fontssf-mono-fontsan-francisco-fontpowerline-fontpowerline-supportsf-mono-powerline UpdatedDec 12, 2021 ellerbrock/fish-shell-setup-osx Star342 🐡 Tutorial: Fish, Fisher, Powerline Fonts + iTerm2 ...
Adding Croscore fonts (Chrome OS core fonts) 9年前 Cousine update cousine font source link 9年前 D2Coding D2coding offically support Powerline symbols 7年前 DejaVuSansMono Expand DejaVu README 8年前 DroidSansMono add fonts.scale and fonts.dir files forxset \+fp ...
Run./uninstall.shto uninstall all Powerline Fonts. You can also copy the quick installation commands changing only the line./install.shto./uninstall.sh. In both cases, please make sure you are working with the exact same version of Powerline fonts you had checked out while installing. ...
powershell -command "& { iwr $url -OutFile ~\fonts.zip }" Expand-Archive -Path ~\fonts.zip -DestinationPath ~ ~\fonts-master\install.ps1 另一个替代选择是微软的 Cascadia Code 字体,它支持 Powerline Glyph。Windows Terminal 要使用此字体,需要修改属性,或者直接修改配置文件 settings.json,通过 Ctrl...
Patched fonts for Powerline users. Contribute to kissjava/powerline-fonts development by creating an account on GitHub.
Menlo for Powerline font family series mainly provide RegularForPowerline,Regular,Italic,Book,Bold Italic,Bold and other font styles.
Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font Plus Pomicons Plus Font Linux Mono Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 字体(字体家族名称:InconsolataForPowerline Nerd Font;字体样式名称:Medium),共602个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,拉丁文扩充-A,拉丁文扩充-B,空白
Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font Plus Octicons Windows Compatible Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 font (Font family name: Inconsolata for Powerline; Font style name: Medium), 753 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Suppl
Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font Plus Octicons Plus Font Linux Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 字体(字体家族名称:InconsolataForPowerline Nerd Font;字体样式名称:Medium),共743个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,拉丁文扩充-A,拉丁文扩充-B,空白修饰