所以我安装了鱼,我的鱼,为它安装了“鱼肉鱼”的主题,它没有显示特殊的符号,所以我想我需要它的Powerline字体,但即使在安装它并做了它仍然不会显示给他们的所有东西之后,我做错了什么?我使用WSL与Ubuntu。 浏览2提问于2021-06-08得票数 3 回答已采纳 ...
sudo apt install --yes powerline sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline 在Windows 上的 NeoVim 中也出现了错误: AttributeError: 'LegacyVim' object has no attribute 'bindeval' 安装字体注意,因为在 Windows WSL 环境下使用 Vim,控制台是在宿主系统上执行的,字体就要安装在宿主系统上。因为 Windows Terminal...
linuxdotfileszshoh-my-zshscriptswslpowerline-fontsdotfiles-managervscode-settingsdotfiles-resourcesdotfiles-installerterminal-configurationdotfiles-windowsdotfiles-automationwsl-ubuntudotfiles-setupdotfiles-linux UpdatedNov 23, 2023 Shell smkent/dotfiles ...
Confirmed - only font working in WSL is "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline", all others result in broken characters: It was only finding this post that made me realise only this font works! All fonts working fine in other apps. This is Roboto Mono in the Terminal app: ...
$ git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts&&./fonts/install.sh 然后到Profiles->Profile Preferences选择合适的xxx for powerline的字体即可。 Powerline 4 BASH 安装好powerline后,就是配置.bashrc了。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ cat>>.bashrc<<EOFsource$(pip show powerline-status|awk'/Location...
curl -fLo "DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf" https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/patched-fonts/DejaVuSansMono/Regular/complete/DejaVu%20Sans%20Mono%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf Windows中我们直接下载字体文件,双击安装即可。
我在Ubuntu 系统中安装字体,但是从终端渲染字符的是 Windows,所以我应该在 Windows (facepalm) 上安装字体。 我按照这篇博文在 Windows 上安装了 Powerline 字体,然后我不得不在 WSL 终端的设置中更改字体: 我为Powerline 选择了字体 DejaVu Sans Mono,它与 Oh My Zsh 的 robbyrussell 主题配合得很好,但还有其他...
WSL1 on Windows 10 WSL2にする brewを入れる Windows Terminal Fluent Terminal zsh on Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows 10 preztoを入れる brewのパスを通す Powerline on zsh on Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows 10 Powerline fonts pecoを入れる rbenv on zsh on Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows 10...
At this point your Ubuntu/WSL prompt will look awesome as well! Fonts look weird? Uh oh! Step Three - Get a better font If you do all this and you see squares and goofy symbols, it's likely that the font you're using doesn't have the advanced Powerline g...