I'm using Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Ubuntu Subsystem with fish, customizing it with oh-my-fish. I'm gonna using theme like agnoster or bobthefish, but having trouble to use Powerline-shell on this environment. I have installed the powerline...
首先要安装了补丁字体 powerline/fonts · GitHub 克隆之 然后运行./install.sh 然后重新设定字体(for gvim)比如 终端也要相应设定(for vim)set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11 "config font for gvim ”for gvim 需要 用vim 打开 ./vim-airline/doc/airline.txt 目录中...
powershell -command "& { iwr $url -OutFile ~\fonts.zip }" Expand-Archive -Path ~\fonts.zip -DestinationPath ~ ~\fonts-master\install.ps1 另一个替代选择是微软的 Cascadia Code 字体,它支持 Powerline Glyph。Windows Terminal 要使用此字体,需要修改属性,或者直接修改配置文件 settings.json,通过 Ctrl...
Check outpowerline-fontsfor pre-patched versions of popular, open source coding fonts. Screenshots Vim statusline Mode-dependent highlighting Automatic truncation of segments in small windows The font in the screenshots isPragmata Proby Fabrizio Schiavi. ...
D2Coding for Powerline D2Coding SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline DejaVu Sans Mono DejaVu Fonts License, Version 1.0 Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Droid Sans Mono Apache License, Version 2.0 Droid Sans Mono Dotted for Powerline Droid Sans Mono Dotted Apache Li...
字体家族名称: InconsolataForPowerline NF 字体子家族名称: Medium 统一字体标识: FontForge 2.0 : Inconsolata : 7-2-2009 字体全名: Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font Complete Windows Compatible 版本: Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 PostScript名称: InconsolataForPowerlineN-Medium 首选家族名称: InconsolataFo...
Inconsolata for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono Plus Octicons Windows Compatible Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 font(Font family name:Inconsolata for Powerline PNFT;Font style name:Medium),743 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Lati
$ git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts&&./fonts/install.sh 然后到Profiles->Profile Preferences选择合适的xxx for powerline的字体即可。 Powerline 4 BASH 安装好powerline后,就是配置.bashrc了。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ cat>>.bashrc<<EOFsource$(pip show powerline-status|awk'/Location...
Inconsolata for Powerline Nerd Font Plus Octicons Windows Compatible Version 001.010;Nerd Fonts 0 font (Font family name: Inconsolata for Powerline; Font style name: Medium), 753 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Suppl