Powerline fonts 是一个字体集,本质是对一些现有的字体打 patch,把 powerline icon 字符添加到这些现有的字体里去,目前对 30 款编程字体打了 patch. Oh My Zsh! 是一个很受欢迎的 zsh 配置管理工具,它的一些主题需要用到一些特殊的的字体,比如agnoster,需要用到Powerline fonts。 下图是agnoster主题的预览效果,...
powerlinepowerline-fontssf-mono-fontsan-francisco-fontpowerline-fontpowerline-supportsf-mono-powerline UpdatedDec 12, 2021 ellerbrock/fish-shell-setup-osx Star342 🐡 Tutorial: Fish, Fisher, Powerline Fonts + iTerm2 shellfishiterm2fisherpowerline-fontsbudspencer-theme ...
Run./uninstall.shto uninstall all Powerline Fonts. You can also copy the quick installation commands changing only the line./install.shto./uninstall.sh. In both cases, please make sure you are working with the exact same version of Powerline fonts you had checked out while installing. Font ...
git clonehttps://github.com/powerline/fonts ./install.sh 了解powerline -> 美化自己的命令行环境,增加漂亮的状态行,安装使用powerline 这个帖子的主题主要是安装powerline的字体们,有兴趣了解更多powerline配置的,可以参阅文档: https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ 演示 所有字体的演示参考下面: https...
# brew tap caskroom/fonts # 安裝指令 brew install cask font-sauce-code-pro-nerd-font # 别的博客们都说这样 其实是不对的 不要用⬇️ # brew cask install font-sourcecodepro-nerd-font 然后左上角 iterm2 -> preferences -> profiles -> Text > Change Font,将字体改成SauceCodePro Nerd Font...
powershell -command "& { iwr $url -OutFile ~\fonts.zip }" Expand-Archive -Path ~\fonts.zip -DestinationPath ~ ~\fonts-master\install.ps1 另一个替代选择是微软的 Cascadia Code 字体,它支持 Powerline Glyph。Windows Terminal 要使用此字体,需要修改属性,或者直接修改配置文件 settings.json,通过 Ctrl...
Powerline fonts This repository contains pre-patched and adjusted fonts for usage with thePowerlinestatusline plugin. Installation Run./install.shto install all Powerline Fonts or see thedocumentationfor details. Quick installation If you are running a Debian or Ubuntu based Linux distribution, there...
Run ./uninstall.sh to uninstall all Powerline Fonts. You can also copy the quick installation commands changing only the line ./install.sh to ./uninstall.sh. In both cases, please make sure you are working with the exact same version of Powerline fonts you had checked out while installing...
1. Go to thePowerline Fonts Github page.2. Click on the green “Clone or download” button.3...
git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git # install cd fonts ./install.sh # clean-up a bit cd .. rm -rf fonts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.2 iTerm2 配置使用 iTerm2 / Preference / Profiles / Text - font 选择change font , 可以修改字体和字体大小;找到一...