Get current file name within PowerQuery Editor 07-01-2021 06:32 AM Hi guys Every month i receive an excel file, with sales data for that month. The file (in excel) does'nt have a date column, therefore i've had to add a column [month] manually every time i've received the...
Query settings: a view of the currently selected query with relevant information, such as query name, query steps, and various indicators. Status bar: a bar displaying relevant important information about your query, such as execution time, total columns and rows, and processing status. This bar...
它會使用與支援組織帳戶驗證的內建 Power Query 連接器相同的Microsoft Entra ID 用戶端。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 設定自定義連接器 的Microsoft Entra 快速入門指南。注意 如果您針對 Microsoft Entra ID 實作自己的 OAuth 流程,則為租使用者啟用條件式存取的使用者在使用 Power BI 服務 重新整理時可能會遇到問題。
{"tagLabelName":"Tag name {tagName}"},"localOverride":false}}},"page":"/forums/ForumMessagePage/ForumMessagePage","query":{"boardId":"excelgeneral","messageSubject":"power-query-get-file-name","messageId":"1429886","replyId":"1432365"},"buildId":"fgNKhcnISUB1E49u99qsx","runtimeCo...
In this example, create a new parameter with the name Minimum Margin with a Decimal Number type and a Current Value of 0.2.Go to the Orders query, and in the Margin field select the Greater Than filter option.In the Filter Rows window, there's a button with a data type for the field...
下列範例會移除上述範例中新增的路徑,以變更Path專案。Get-ItemProperty仍然用來擷取目前的值,以避免必須剖析從reg query傳回的字串。SubString和LastIndexOf方法可用來擷取新增至Path專案的最後一個路徑。 PowerShell $value=Get-ItemProperty-PathHKCU:\Environment-NamePath$newpath=$value.Path.SubString(0,$value.Path...
函数是 Power Query (PQ) 解决问题的核心。之前的博客文章我多层刻意在完成查询的步骤之后显示高级编辑器中 M 语言代码,想必大家已经对 M 的函数有了初步印象,尽管不一定很关注。本篇介绍 M 函数比较重要的知识点。 要点: 理解M 语言的函数式编程风格 ...
Place the cursor in the Q&A box at the end of your current query, and enter as bar. Power BI creates a bar chart with the results. The data looks more interesting as a map, so we don't fin this bar chart. At the top, select Exit Q&A to return to your dashboard.You...
Place the cursor in the Q&A box at the end of your current query, and enter as bar. Power BI creates a bar chart with the results. The data looks more interesting as a map, so we don't fin this bar chart. At the top, select Exit Q&A to return to your dashboard.You...
Get-WinEvent[-MaxEvents <Int64>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-FilterXml] <XmlDocument> [-Oldest] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 此cmdlet 仅在 Windows 平台上可用。 Get-WinEventcmdlet 从事件日志(包括经典日志)获取事件,例如系统和应用程序日志。 该 cmdlet 从 Windows Vista ...