使用Power Query,你可以连接到许多不同的数据源,并将数据转换为所需的形状。 在本文中,你将了解如何通过 Power Query 创建查询: Power Query 中“获取数据”的工作原理。 如何使用和利用 Power Query 用户界面。 如何执行分组和合并数据等常见转换。 如果你是 Power Query 新用户,可以在开始之前注册免费试用 Power...
可以使用嵌入CURRENT_USER标记的本机查询在 Power Query 中重现此结果。 考虑以下示例,它演示一个返回当前用户帐户的本机查询。 请注意,在WHERE子句中,ownerid 列按CURRENT_USER标记筛选。 Power Query M let Source = CommonDataService.Database("demo.crm.dynamics.com", [CreateNavigationProperties=false], dbo...
#1.获取当前登录用户;$CurrentLogonUser=(Get-WMIObject-query"SELECT * FROM win32_Process WHERE Name ='explorer.exe'"|Foreach{$owner=$_.GetOwner();$_|Add-Member-MemberType"Noteproperty"-name"Owner"-value$owner.User-passthru}).Owner|select-object-first 1#2.获取当前用户的SID;$user=New-Object...
Power Query M 复制 Authentication = [ OAuth = [ StartLogin = StartLogin, FinishLogin = FinishLogin, Refresh = Refresh, Logout = Logout ], Key = [], UsernamePassword = [], Windows = [], Anonymous = [] ] 访问当前凭证可以使用Extension.CurrentCredential函数检索当前凭证。
Windows (current user's credentials only) Web API Function Reference DocumentationWeb.Contents Web.BrowserContents Web.Page Note The service principal authentication type isn't supported when using an on-premises data gateway or a virtual network (VNet) data gateway. ...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Power BI Desktop 在该项中找出ShowLeadGenDialog属性,如下图。 双击将值改为0,即是禁用登录窗口。 如果没有找到该属性,也可以手动新建一个,同样将值设为0,然后你再打开PBID的时候,它再也不会弹出注册窗口。
“Services”). The Services allow users to search for certain data sets using Microsoft Power Query for Microsoft Excel (the “Plug-In”). If you are using the Services in connection with a subscription to Power BI for Microsoft 365 (“Power BI”), the Services will also allow ...
The Power Query Add-in has it’s own tracing mechanism. This is enabled by way of a registry key. This is our first step to see what is actually happening. 64 Bit machine with 32 bit Office[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Power Query for Excel]”TracingEnabled”...
类型: PSCredential Position: Named 默认值: Current user 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-FilterHashtable指定哈希表格式的查询,以从一个或多个事件日志中选择事件。 查询包含一个或多个键/值对的哈希表。 哈希表查询具有以下规则: 键和值不区分大小写。 通配符仅在与 LogName 键和ProviderNa...
Type: PSCredential Position: Named Default value: Current user Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False-FilterHashtableSpecifies a query in hash table format to select events from one or more event logs. The query contains a hash table...