在Power Query 中,選取功能區中的數據,或從目前檢視中的另一個來源取得數據。 在[選擇數據源]頁面中,使用[搜尋] 來搜尋連接器的名稱,或選取連接器右側的 [檢視更多],以查看 Power BI 服務 中所有可用的連接器清單。 如果您選擇檢視更多連接器,您仍然可以使用搜尋來搜尋連接器的名稱,或選擇類別來查看與該類別相...
Power Query M let Source = Exchange.Contents("xyz@contoso.com"), Mail1 = Source{[Name="Mail"]}[Data], #"Expanded Sender" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(Mail1, "Sender", {"Name"}, {"Name"}), #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded Sender", each ([HasAttachments] = true)),...
Power Query 編輯器 接著會開啟數據表預覽區域中的完整導覽數據表。 此檢視對物件數目沒有限制,而且您可以使用篩選或任何其他 Power Query 轉換來探索清單,並尋找您想要的數據列(例如,根據Name數據行)。 找到您想要的專案時,您可以選取資料連結來取得內容(例如下圖中的 [資料表] 連結)。 數據表預覽對話框 數據表...
AzureDataLakeStorage failed to get the response: 'The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.' 此錯誤通常是因為您嘗試透過 Proxy 連線到 Azure Data Lake Storage 端點,但尚未正確設定內部部署數據閘道的 Proxy 設定。 若要深入瞭解如何設定這些 Proxy 設定,請移至 設定內...
2. Save my sample workbook as your workbook then Open Advanced Query Editor and change the folder path in "Source" line to your folder path (note: this is folder path only, not file path) hynguyenThank you very much for your reply. ...
In Power Query, once queries have been shared by data stewards or other business users using Power BI for Office 365, these shared queries become available in the Power BI metadata repository. Users in the organization can find and use queries that are s
函数是 Power Query (PQ) 解决问题的核心。之前的博客文章我多层刻意在完成查询的步骤之后显示高级编辑器中 M 语言代码,想必大家已经对 M 的函数...
To connect to an SAP HANA database from Power Query Desktop: SelectGet Data > SAP HANA databasein Power BI Desktop orFrom Database > From SAP HANA Databasein theDataribbon in Excel. Enter the name and port of the SAP HANA server you want to connect to. The example in the following ...
Get current file name within PowerQuery Editor 07-01-2021 06:32 AM Hi guys Every month i receive an excel file, with sales data for that month. The file (in excel) does'nt have a date column, therefore i've had to add a column [month] manually every time i've received the...