Power BI 应用开发者 中级 生成Power BI 视觉对象和报表 浏览这些学习路径,获取使用 Microsoft Power BI 建模、可视化和分析数据所需的理解和技能。 模块 确定报表设计要求的范围 34 分钟 Microsoft Power 平台 业务用户 中级 讲师引导式培训 选择传统的课堂培训,根据自己的时间表,自己的节奏,在自己的地方学习。
Power BI Desktop 是可供数据分析师和其他报表创建者使用的开发工具。 而 Power BI 服务允许你组织、管理和分发报表及其他 Power BI 项。 可通过 Windows 应用商店或直接在线免费下载 Power BI Desktop。可以使用学校或工作帐户在 app.powerbi.com 访问Power BI 服务。 如果你的组织尚未使用 Power BI,你仍然可以...
For this tutorial, we start from scratch by creating a report in the Power BI service rather than through the Desktop. We create a semantic model from a simple Microsoft Excel file that contains sample financial data.Open the Power BI service (app.powerbi.com) in your browser. Don't have...
Microsoft Power BI 是一套可在整个组织中提供见解的业务分析工具。 Power BI 可帮助关联到数百个数据源,简化数据准备,并推动临时分析。 通过使用 Power BI 提供的工具,您可以生成精美的报表,然后将其发布出去,以便您的组织在 Web 和移动设备上使用它们。
There are many resources to help you learn more about DAX. After you've finished this tutorial, see DAX basics in Power BI Desktop.When you create your own measure, it's called a model measure, and it's added to the Fields list for the table you select. Some advantages of model ...
Microsoft Power BI 入门很简单。免费试用 Power BI,了解如何生成和共享 Power BI 报表,以及如何在数据中查找见解。
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should be familiar with Microsoft Excel, data modeling, and have some knowledge of DAX language.Explore our latest online courses and learn new skills at your own pace. Enroll and become a certified expert to boost your career. What is Power BI?
Next in this Power BI Tutorial, we will go through some of the essential Power BI tools: 1- Power BI Service Also known as Power BI Online, Power BI Service is a web-based platform allowing you to share reports on the Power BI Desktop. The Power BI Service facilitates ease of collabora...
了解Microsoft Power BI 如何帮助您出色地分析和直观呈现业务数据。如果您对掌握 Power BI 服务、Power BI Developer 或 Power BI Desktop 等 Power BI 工具感兴趣,Udemy 有课程帮您快速学习。
Analysis Services and Reporting Services can be integrated with a Microsoft SharePoint farm to enable Business Intelligence (BI) features in SharePoint. The features include Power Pivot for SharePoint, Power View, and Reporting Services. Power Pivot for SharePoint is used for Power Pivot data ...