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Learn new skills with Microsoft Power BI training. Our hands-on guided learning approach helps you learn Power BI and meet your goals.
Learn new skills with Microsoft Power BI training. Our hands-on guided learning approach helps you learn Power BI and meet your goals.
Power BI 可以增强用户见解,并提升数据的价值。 无论以何种方式使用 Power BI,都可在此处找到专业的信息和答案。
Microsoft Power BI Desktop: 在這裡下載 LinkedIn Learning 系統管理員存取權我們建議您使用最新版本的Power BI,以確保您可以存取最新版的LinkedIn Learning Connector。設定LinkedIn Learning Power BI 連接器的步驟下列步驟概述設定 LinkedIn Learning Power BI 連接器的程式:備註...
已淘汰適用於數據流 v1 的 Power BI 自動化 機器學習 (AutoML) 模型,且不再可供使用。 建議客戶將解決方案移轉至 Microsoft Fabric 中的 AutoML 功能。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 淘汰公告。Power BI 中的認知服務使用Power BI 中的認知服務,您可以從 Azure 認知服務套用不同的演算法,以在數據流的自助數據準備中...
创建Power BI 模型关系 1 小时 30 分钟 Microsoft Power 平台 数据分析人员 中级 学习路径 Microsoft Azure 基础知识:介绍 Azure 体系结构和服务 3 小时 25 分钟 Azure 管理员 初级 模块 在Microsoft Fabric 中使用 Apache Spark 1 小时 16 分钟 Microsoft Fabric ...
Power Pivot is available as an add-in for Excel, which you canenable by following a few simple steps. The underlying modeling technology found in Power Pivot is also found in thePower BI Designer, which is part of thePower BIservice offered from Microsoft. ...
Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our learning paths and modules.
Power Pivot is available as an add-in for Excel, which you canenable by following a few simple steps. The underlying modeling technology found in Power Pivot is also found in thePower BI Designer, which is part of thePower BIservice offered from Microsoft. ...