使用Power BI 对数据进行建模 浏览这些学习模块以实现数据建模,使用 Power BI Desktop 为你的数据创建计算和关系。 模块 Power BI Desktop 模型介绍 29 分钟 Power BI 应用开发者 中级 生成Power BI 视觉对象和报表 浏览这些学习路径,获取使用 Microsoft Power BI 建模、可视化和分析数据所需的理解和技能。
Power BI 可以增强用户见解,并提升数据的价值。 无论以何种方式使用 Power BI,都可在此处找到专业的信息和答案。
Learn new skills with Microsoft Power BI training. Our hands-on guided learning approach helps you learn Power BI and meet your goals.
已淘汰適用於數據流 v1 的 Power BI 自動化 機器學習 (AutoML) 模型,且不再可供使用。 建議客戶將解決方案移轉至 Microsoft Fabric 中的 AutoML 功能。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 淘汰公告。Power BI 中的認知服務使用Power BI 中的認知服務,您可以從 Azure 認知服務套用不同的演算法,以在數據流的自助數據準備中...
Microsoft Power BI 블로그 블로그Guided Learning게시물 태그: Guided Learning New! Get introduced to DAX with Guided Learning Announcements 6월 20, 2016 :Jessica Cook Understanding DAX is such a useful part of advanced Power BI techniques that it was by far the most ...
Get Started with Power BIThis training covers an overview and demo of Power BI where you will explore how to make confident decisions using analytics.Free, instructor-led online training60 minutes Microsoft Power BI YouTube channelYouTube channel with content from Microsoft's Power BI product team...
Learn new skills with Microsoft Power BI training. Our hands-on guided learning approach helps you learn Power BI and meet your goals.
Distributed Machine learning Tool Kit (DMTK) - A distributed machine learning (parameter server) framework by Microsoft. Enables training models on large data sets across multiple machines. Current tools bundled with it include: LightLDA and Distributed (Multisense) Word Embedding. DLib - A suite of...
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Today at Build, we announced a powerful set of capabilities to the Excel platform, offering developers, data scientists, and power users more opportunities to better work with data. Developers and data scientists can now to execute custom fun...