使用Power BI 对数据进行建模 浏览这些学习模块以实现数据建模,使用 Power BI Desktop 为你的数据创建计算和关系。 模块 Power BI Desktop 模型介绍 29 分钟 Power BI 应用开发者 中级 生成Power BI 视觉对象和报表 浏览这些学习路径,获取使用 Microsoft Power BI 建模、可视化和分析数据所需的理解和技能。
Power BI demo Start Learning Topics Covered The topics covered in this Power BI tutorial are: What Is Power BI? Power BI Dashboard Power BI vs Tableau Applications Power BI is a powerful tool that enables you to gain important insights from large amounts of data. Here are some of the mos...
Power BI Tutorial - Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from different data sources to interactive dashboards and BI reports. Power BI suite provides multiple software, connector, and services - Power BI des
了解Microsoft Power BI 如何帮助您出色地分析和直观呈现业务数据。如果您对掌握 Power BI 服务、Power BI Developer 或 Power BI Desktop 等 Power BI 工具感兴趣,Udemy 有课程帮您快速学习。
Power BI Full Course _ Power BI Tutorial For Beginners _ Power BI Course _ Simpl 439 2 3:05:46 App Power BI Beginner to Pro [Full Course] 65 -- 2:19:34 App APIs for Beginners - How to use an API (Full Course _ Tutorial) 63 -- 41:07 App How to Build Power BI Reports fro...
Power BI 有數個範例,您可以在 Power BI 服務中下載或在 Power BI Desktop 中開啟。 在內建範例中,報表與儀表板和語意模型一起使用,並內建於 Power BI 服務中。 您可以在 Power BI Desktop 中檢視的 .pbix 檔案包含報表和語意模型。本教學課程會示範如何:...
APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceThis tutorial is an introduction to some of the features of the Power BI service. In this tutorial, you connect to data, create a report and a dashboard, and ask questions about your data. The exercises show you how to work with data on a...
This Power BI tutorial is a step-by-step guide for learning Power BI from the basics. Learn Power BI concepts like data visualization and creating reports.
當Power BI Desktop 建立量值時,其通常會自動為您建立。 若要查看 Power BI Desktop 如何建立量值,請遵循下列步驟:在Power BI Desktop 中,選取 [檔案]>[開啟]、瀏覽至 Power BI Desktop.pbix 的 Contoso Sales Sample 檔案,然後選取 [開啟]。 在[欄位] 窗格中,展開 [Sales] 資料表。 然後,選取 [Sales...
While DAX is most commonly associated with Power BI, you can also find DAX formulas in Power Pivot in Excel and SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). DAX formulas are made up of 3 core components and this tutorial will cover each of these: Syntax – Proper DAX syntax is made up of a ...