DietStudiesBTG has entered into an agreement with King's College London to commercialize technology that could lead the way for state-of-the-art beverage and food products designed to reduce blood pressure. A study published in The British Journal of Nutrition, showed that a sustained low dose ...
has found evidence that a specific gene, called WNK1, may be responsible for potassium's effects on blood pressure. "We are currently doing more research to test how low potassium in the diet affects blood pressure through the activity of this gene," adds Dr. Hedayati. ...
11、Reducing sodium in the diet and getting morepotassiumrich foods can help to reduce puffy eyes.(减少含钠元素的饮食而增加含钾元素的饮食可以减轻眼睛浮肿。) 12、Withoutpotassium, crops can't reproduce and make grains, vegetables or fruit.(如果没有钾,作物就不能繁殖,也就不能生产出谷物、蔬菜和...
Meneely, G.R. 1973. A review of sources of and the toxic effects of excess sodium chloride and the protective effect of extra potassium in the diet. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 23(1-3) p. 3 - 31.Meneely, G. 1973. A review of sources of and the toxic effects of excess ...
The dearth of potassium in the typical American diet is troublesome given this mineral’s role in controlling the electrical activity of the heart, regulating acid-base balance, building muscle, and synthesizing proteins. Research suggests consuming an optimal amount of potassium may protect against ca...
Participants consuming a low potassium diet at baseline (<34.6 mmol potassium per day) experienced a 28% higher hazard of stroke (hazard ratio 1.28, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.47; P<0.001) than other participants, after adjustment for established cardiovascular disease risk factors.Conclusions—These ...
High potassium or low sodium diet given to rats for 1 week increased aldosterone synthase P-450 mRNA levels by approximately 5- and 6-fold, respectively. These increases, moreover, were significantly attenuated by treatment with captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme. In contrast,...
tracks. “Potassium is an essential mineral. Most of the potassium in our bodies is located within cells,” explainsBrittney Parris, MS, RD, CDN, Associate Director of Patient Educationat NephCure. So what is potassium, exactly, and how can you get more potassium-rich foods in your diet?
Appropriate potassium intake (100 milligrams per day) is required for the healthy functioning of the body systems. A potassium-rich diet decreases the risk of stroke, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of kidney stones. Potassium is usually found in many fruits like bananas, grapes, papayas...
8. Reducing sodium in the diet and getting more potassium rich foods can help to reduce puffy eyes. 减少含钠元素的饮食而增加含钾元素的饮食可以减轻眼睛浮肿。 youdao 9. The treatment of wool under anhydrous conditions with potassium tert-butoxide solution is studied. 研究了叔丁醇钾溶液在无水条件...