channel-group 1 mode on 把1、2端口绑定成EtherChannel 然后才能 interface port-channel 1 才发现 哥们 是port-channel 不是port-group
channel-group,port-channel,etherchannel 小结 2层链路聚合 默认的 mode是 on,协议是pagp。 该模式下,端口手动配置,强制成员成为etherchannel,即使对端出现问题,用show ether summ 命令依然可以看到强制启动的聚合端口 该模式不会向对端发送 paglp 数据单元,不会协商任何该协议的参数 建议使用 lacp协议,mode为active...
Only interfaces on the S6730-H-V2, S5732-H-V2 and S5755-H series can be switched from Layer 3 mode to Layer 2 mode using the portswitch command. Enable the port isolation group function. port-isolate enable group group-id By default, the port isolation group function is disabled. This...
channel-group 2 mode active From the output we can see that the interface is currently a switchport in mode access and with vlan 10 configured. It also shows that this interface is part of a port-channel (channel-group). According to the CiscoNexus 3000 documentation, the ...
(config-if)#channel-group 1 mod on (config-if)#no shutdown (config-)#interface gigabitethernet 1/2 (config-if)#no switchport (config-if)#no ip address (config-if)#channel-group 1 mode on (config-if)#end copy run start 接入层交换机(3500xl)# ...
Hi everyone, i am new to vmware ,I have a standard switch and ,i need to add a vlan. I have 4 esxi hosts in a cluster.I have logged in to vsphere client. on on
Note: The setting on the portgroup overrides the virtual switch setting. For more information, seeHow promiscuous mode works at the virtual switch and portgroup levels. You likely need to set the VLAN 4095 at the port group level, which allows the port group to see the traffic on any VLAN...
G-God,Killerkat_467,Nkukza SA,Stuxii,Gostanator,Galectik,Seveniz,Deep Kvy,Blaqnick & MasterBlaq,Magistics,Ntsak Noris,ShakaMan YKTV,W4DE,Emmie,Melo T1,Beedeekay,Djy Finger,Musical Keys,L4Desh 55,Mode Nads,JaySavage,Creative Dj,JayLokas ...
1 Fif5/0/1, Fif5/0/2 NONE 2 Fif5/0/3, Fif5/0/4 NONE 3 Fif5/0/5, Fif5/0/6 NONE 4 Fif5/0/7, Fif5/0/8 NONE 5 Fif5/0/9, Fif5/0/10 NONE 6 Fif5/0/11, Fif5/0/12 25G <-- In 25G mode 7 Fif5/0/13, Fif5/0/14 NONE ...
It is possible to edit the security settings for "Promiscuous Mode", "MAC address changes" and "Forged Transmits" in two places:On the vSwitch and on each indiv