Emoji: 🇵🇱 Shortname: flag: Poland Apple Name: flag of Poland Known as: Polish Flag Codepoint: U+1F1F5 1F1F1 Copy 1F1F5 - 🇵 regional indicator symbol letter p 1F1F1 - 🇱 regional indicator symbol letter l Decimal: ALT+127477 ALT+127473 Unicode Version: None Emoji ...
This is the page of Polish: Weekly - Popular Emoji Leaderboard. Time Range: A Week. Update Frequency: Every Day. Update Time: 2025-01-13 00:25:05 UTC. Unless otherwise specified, the data in the leaderboard chart and the ranking list are all from EmojiA
Copy and Paste This Emoji: 💅🏿 Copy Emoji Copied!Share this 💅🏿 Nail Polish: Dark Skin Tone emoji on:https://emojiguide.com/people-body/nail-polish-dark-skin-tone/ Copy Url Url Copied! Nail Polish: Dark Skin Tone Emoji On Different Platforms...
Emoji: 💅 Shortname: nail polish Apple Name: nail polish Known as: Manicure | Fingers | Nonchalant Codepoint: U+1F485 Copy Shortcode: :nail_care: Copy Decimal: ALT+128133 Unicode Version: 6.0 (2010-10-11) Emoji Version: 1.0 (2015-06-09) Categories: 👌 People & Body Sub Categ...