Emoji: 🇵🇱 Shortname: flag: Poland Apple Name: flag of Poland Known as: Polish Flag Codepoint: U+1F1F5 1F1F1 Copy 1F1F5 - 🇵 regional indicator symbol letter p 1F1F1 - 🇱 regional indicator symbol letter l Decimal: ALT+127477 ALT+127473 Unicode Version: None Emoji ...
Copy and Paste This Emoji: 💅🏿 Copy Emoji Copied!Share this 💅🏿 Nail Polish: Dark Skin Tone emoji on:https://emojiguide.com/people-body/nail-polish-dark-skin-tone/ Copy Url Url Copied! Nail Polish: Dark Skin Tone Emoji On Different Platforms...
This is the page of Polish: Weekly - Popular Emoji Leaderboard. Time Range: A Week. Update Frequency: Every Day. Update Time: 2025-01-13 00:25:05 UTC. Unless otherwise specified, the data in the leaderboard chart and the ranking list are all from EmojiA
1. test_community_emoji_send_copy_paste_reply, id: 702840 Device sessions Device 1: Steps, video, logs Device 2: Steps, video, logs 2. test_community_contact_block_unblock_offline, id: 702894 Device sessions Device 1: Steps, video, logs Device 2: Steps, video, logs 3. test_communit...
Shift CtrlEmojiAltSpaceAltGrEscCtrl Polish 214 Keyboard Programmers KeyboardThis Polish Keyboard enables you to easily type Polish online without installing Polish keyboard. You can use your computer keyboard or mouse to type Polish letters with this online keyboard....
Emoji: 💅 Shortname: nail polish Apple Name: nail polish Known as: Manicure | Fingers | Nonchalant Codepoint: U+1F485 Copy Shortcode: :nail_care: Copy Decimal: ALT+128133 Unicode Version: 6.0 (2010-10-11) Emoji Version: 1.0 (2015-06-09) Categories: 👌 People & Body Sub Categ...