DeutschFlagge: SudanFlagge Françaisdrapeau : Soudandrapeau Русскийфлаги: Суданфлаги EspañolBandera: SudánBandera Italianobandiera: Sudanbandiera Portuguêsbandeira: Sudãobandeira Polskiflaga: Sudanflaga Random emoji ...
Copy and paste 🇨🇳 emoji It's very easy to get Flag: China Emoji both on computer and mobile without any emoji keyboard installed. All you need is to select, copy and paste this symbol: . Select this like a regular text, and copy to the clipboard. After doing that, switch to an...
Znaczenie emoji: polski 🇴🇲 flaga: Oman Portuguese - Português Back to top of page Significado do Emoji: Português 🇴🇲 bandeira: Omã Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Back to top of page ਇਮੋਜੀ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ: ਪੰਜਾਬੀ 🇴🇲 ਝੰਡ...
Znaczenie emoji: polski 🇬🇹 flaga: Gwatemala Portuguese - Português Back to top of page Significado do Emoji: Português 🇬🇹 bandeira: Guatemala Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Back to top of page ਇਮੋਜੀ ਦਾ ਅਰਥ: ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ...
一个个flag的完成 离不开持之以恒 去年未完成的遗憾 今年就一步步去实现! 新的一年,大家都立下什么flag呢 快来评论区留言~ 第三届·年味文创大赛 摄影类 在癸卯兔年到来之际,为丰富广大师生文化生活,传播和弘扬优秀传统文化,我校将举办第三届校园年味摄影比赛,现面向全校...
This is the page of Age Range - Popular Emoji Leaderboard. Time Range: A Month. Update Frequency: Every Day. Update Time: 2025-01-09 00:24:59 UTC. Unless otherwise specified, the data in the leaderboard chart and the ranking list are all from EmojiAll.c
Converts a string country code to an emoji in Go. Install go get -u Usage Will return a flag from the supported list below or an empty string if the flag is not found. packagemainimport("fmt"emoji"")funcmain() {fmt.Print...
Codepoint:U+270C 1F3FECopy 270C-✌victory hand 1F3FE-🏾medium-dark skin tone Decimal:ALT+9996 ALT+127998 Unicode Version:None Emoji Version:2.0(2015-11-12) Categories:👌 People & Body Sub Categories:👌 Hand Gesture Keywords:hand|medium-dark skin tone|v|victory ...
Navigate the world of emojis and symbols with ease! Our handy keyboard feature allows for seamless copy-pasting into any chat app. Discover the meanings behind your favorite emojis from our extensive list and elevate your digital conversations today!
Subject:Request for the Inclusion of the Romani Flag in the Emoji set Dear Apple Team, Today l come with hope and faith in my chest of a request that is deeply important to me, and I believe to many others in the Romani community globally. ...