Ash, Pikachu, Pidove, Purloin, Oshawott, and Tepig were now on the battlefield and across from them were the triplets. “So, which Pokemon is your starter?†Cress asked. Pikachu stood up, ready to fight. “A Pikachu is your starter?†All three of ...
Well, the writers decided to saddle Ash with a new trick — he only uses Pokemon from his current team, meaning that all those powerful, dependable members of his team are nowhere to be found. He faces a trainer in the top 8 who starts out with a Riolu. Ash brings out a Snivy — ...
Ash's voice calls out to him. His walk speeds up to a jog, then to a run, then to a sprint. He clutches Absol's ball to his chest protectively, as if to shield his partner from any more harm. The powerful, unevolved Pikachu, the outrageously expensive potion, being called ...
”“Speculative” is used here as an umbrella term for science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, and other fictional modes that imagine worlds different from ours. Examples of these speculative epics from the last two years include Emily St. John Mandel’sSea of Tranquility, Matt Bell’sApple...
That action caused Ash to lose his staff. Iris’s eyes widened as Ash was now in the line of fire. “You dumb little kid!” Iris cursed as she had no choice. “Excadrill go!” Iris shouted, as she threw her poke ball. What came out of it was a short, but powerful looking ...