Ash and Pikachu were trying to watch both fights while Purrloin seemed to be deep in thought on Ash’s lap. “Alright Pansage lets take this nice and slow.” the moss haired gym leader advised. “I'm in no rush. Come young Axew, we’ve had our fill of a fine meal, so let ...
then tries to use Pikachu against a grass type (going downhill) before the gym lights on fire from Team Rocket’s meddling (no surprise there) and Erika gives Ash a badge for helping to put out the fire (don’t coddle him!).
…Media cons were new and fundamentally different because of screen divide. Literary fans were used to writers being fandom participants at cons—and assumed that’s why actors went, too. OneBlake’s 7fan postulated, “Isaac Asimov and Andre Norton go to cons because they love Science Fiction...