Ketchem. I'm somewhat curious about these so called memories that Ash doesn't remember. I'm even more surprised to hear Ms. Ketchem knows about them. A really great start to your pokemon fanfiction, and you've improved greatly as a writer in your time of absence. Lanydx reborn The ...
Crisis Across the Multiverse is the second massive crossover for the Pokémon Fan Fiction Wiki. It features characters and Pokémon from 27 different franchises on this site, created by 23 different users. For notes about the crossover, click here. This crossover started 2/19/20 and was ...
…Media cons were new and fundamentally different because of screen divide. Literary fans were used to writers being fandom participants at cons—and assumed that’s why actors went, too. OneBlake’s 7fan postulated, “Isaac Asimov and Andre Norton go to cons because they love Science Fiction...
AgainstSabrina…god, where do I start. Sabrina starts the first fight with an Abra. That’s right. Unfortunately for Ash, it immediately evolves, meaning he can no longer win by default when Abra only knows Teleport. Instead, Kadabra kicks his Pikachu’s ass. So he goes to get a ghost ...
"If we didn't start working on Pikachu's defense a few weeks ago, that Night Slash might have ended the match." His piece said, Ash gingerly sprays down Pikachu's wound, making the flesh hiss and knit back together. Andre just watches numbly. Slowly, he bends back down and takes ...
Fire_Fox Snivy Mage and Reader of Fanfiction. Apr 16, 2022 #7 I am curious if he is going to go with Ash, what would be more interesting to me, would be if one of Brocks siblings went with Ash and Brock called his sibling every night to keep in touch with him VIA satellite pho...
to open a filesystem browser, choose the ROM file of the game you want to play, and it will be imported into the library and start playing. While it is possible to send different images to the TV and GamePad, RetroArch currently sends the same image to both. VBA-M combined several ...
him turning around and entering a tournament to be crowned the strongest trainer and winning immediately after would make no sense at all. So, I guess if you’re one of those people who think there’s no excuse for Ash to lose a league, especially in a fan fiction, then the ...