Just use arrowPlot(X, Y), it can plot curve just like plot(X, Y) and add 2 arrows to the curve with beautiful arrow shape, on suitable positions, with suitable size, directing to suitable directions. If you are not satisfied with some of the properties of arrows, you can use some ...
function plotArrowTrend(x, y, arrow_spacing, arrow_translation_y, arrow_length)%plotArrowTrend 函数%该函数用于绘制带有箭头的趋势曲线,以更直观地表示曲线的方向变化。%% 使用方式:%plotArrowTrend(x, y, arrow_spacing, arrow_translation_y, arrow_length);%% 参数说明:%x: 函数的自变量,如时间或空间坐标。
Additionally, you can refer to the following MATLAB answer thread for more information:https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/160487-how-can-i-draw-a-line-with-arrow-head-between-2-data-points-in-a-plot Hope this helps! 댓글 수: 0 ...
ArrowSize only affects the display of directed graphs created using digraph. Arrow size, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ArrowSize' and a positive value in point units. The default value of ArrowSize is 7 for graphs with 100 or fewer nodes, and 4 for graphs with more...
arrow - File Exchange - MATLAB Central load('data_ask_MLD') figure; plot(PTn,z); set(gca,'ydir','reverse') % define which row for display r = 100; x = PTn(r); y = z(r); al = 1;% arrow length (in x direction)
In this case, patch, instead of plot, is used to plot arrow heads. color 'k' color of arrows head_length_pixel 0 length of (the wing of) arrow head in units of pixelIt shares the same unit with u and v. (Thus, the vel_scale will also be applied to head_length) 0 : it is...
Add dummy plots with arrow markers to represent the filled and unfilled markers. In MATLAB R2024b, ‘IconColumnWidth’ property can also be used to modify the width of the legend icons. Below is the code for the implementation. ThemeCopy % Sample data x = 1:10; y1 = rand(1, 10)...
主要包括画布尺寸、绘制曲线、legend、文字标注、局部放大图、subplot、坐标轴设置、对数坐标以及双坐标绘图等内容(部分内容引用自https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/90118286)。 clc;clear;closeall;% 二维曲线图常用代码% Muyi 2022.04.06%% 曲线数据N=1000;fs=500;t=(1:N)'/fs;x1=sin(2*pi*2*t);x2=cos(2...
After running the code, in the figure window having the subplots, there is an arrow for edit plot as shown in the attached figure. After selecting the arrow you can change the size of the plots by selecting and dragging the boundaries of subplots manually, as ...
quiver(X,Y,U,V) − The function quiver(X,Y,U,V) in MATLAB generates arrow plots using directional components U and V at specific Cartesian coordinates X and Y. For instance, each arrow begins at the coordinates X(1), Y(1), stretches horizontally based on U(1), and vertically ...