具有常量 y 值的水平线 - MATLAB yline - MathWorks 中国 分子图 subplot h1 = figure(1); set(h1,'pos',[200 200 1200 350]); box off; subplot(131) p11 = plot(Time1,GRF_FL_1,'c-','LineWidth',1); hold on; p12 = plot(Time1,GRF_FR_1,'b--','LineWidth',1); p13 = plot(...
ARROW (5/02/2023) Draw a line with an arrowhead. ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3 columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s). By itself, ARROW will use the mouse...
function plotArrowTrend(x, y, arrow_spacing, arrow_translation_y, arrow_length)%plotArrowTrend 函数%该函数用于绘制带有箭头的趋势曲线,以更直观地表示曲线的方向变化。%% 使用方式:%plotArrowTrend(x, y, arrow_spacing, arrow_translation_y, arrow_length);%% 参数说明:%x: 函数的自变量,如时间或空间坐标。
两侧都是弧形仅仅靠颜色不容易区分流入还是流出,因此可在创建对象时将Arrow属性设置为'on': dataMat=randi([0,8],[6,6]); BCC=biChordChart(dataMat,'Arrow','on'); BCC=BCC.draw(); 3 绘图间隙 通过Sep属性可调整绘图间隙,例如设置为特别小的1/120: dataMat=randi([0,8],[6,6]); BCC=biChor...
1.plot()函数 plot函数用于绘制二维平面上的线性坐标曲线图,要提供一组x坐标和对应的y坐标,可以绘制分别以x和y为横、纵坐标的二维曲线。 例: t=0:0.1:2*pi; x=2*t; y=t.*sin(t).*sin(t); plot(x,y); 复制 2. 含多个输入参数的plot函数 ...
Just use arrowPlot(X, Y), it can plot curve just like plot(X, Y) and add 2 arrows to the curve with beautiful arrow shape, on suitable positions, with suitable size, directing to suitable directions. If you are not satisfied with some of the properties of arrows, you can use some ...
ah = annotation('arrow',...'headStyle','cback1','HeadLength',headLength,'HeadWidth',headWidth); set(ah,'parent',gca); set(ah,'position',[X(ii,ij) Y(ii,ij) LineLength*U(ii,ij) LineLength*V(ii,ij)]); end end %axis off; ...
Code Example 2: Customizing Arrow Properties Theannotation()function allows users to customize arrows further by specifying additional properties. Here’s an example with some customization: % Creating another plottheta=linspace(0,2*pi,100);radius=2;x=radius*cos(theta);y=radius*sin(theta);figure...
plot(f,powerSpectrum1,'-',f,powerSpectrum2,'r'); title('心率信号能量谱'); xlabel('频率(赫兹)'); ylabel('能量'); xlim([0 .25]); annotation_pinned('textarrow',[.15,.085],[.25,.03],'String',{'0.1Hz处的尖峰很可能','是该样本呼吸的频率'}); annotation_pinned('textarrow...