Yp=yp−yminymax−ymin⋅H+Y0Yp=yp−yminymax−ymin⋅H+Y0 有了这个函数,可以很方便计算出 axis 上的点在图窗的位置坐标,因此只需确定 axis 对象就可以很方便地绘制出待箭头的坐标系(具体实现见DrawAxisWithArrow.m),同时如果想在坐标上某个位置标注文字也可以利用这个函数进行坐标转换(图2中文字均...
pi,n);y = sin(x); ax = axes; %% 绘图 h1=plot(ax,x,y,'LineStyle','--','Marker','o','LineWidth',1,'Color',C2, 'MarkerEdgeColor',C2,'MarkerFaceColor',C2);hold on% 绘制正弦曲线 PlotLineArrow(ax, [-2*pi, 2*pi], [0, 0], 'none', 'k', 1);hold on%x轴带箭头...
(ang); plot(x+xp,y+yp, '.r'); end % 画图,及一些输入参数的设置 figure; axis([0,200,0,200]) set(gca, 'XTick', 0:10:200) set(gca, 'YTick', 10:10:200) grid ON hold on % 画矩形块充当障碍物 rect(130,70,20,60); % 起点(130,70),右上角方向,宽20长60的矩形 rect(70,...
Just use arrowPlot(X, Y), it can plot curve just like plot(X, Y) and add 2 arrows to the curve with beautiful arrow shape, on suitable positions, with suitable size, directing to suitable directions. If you are not satisfied with some of the properties of arrows, you can use some ...
Plot 2D/3D Vector with Arrow 다운로드 수: 12 태그태그 추가 arrowheadgraphphasor diagramplotpolarvector 취소 FEATURED DISCUSSION Tree topper: L-Shaped Membrane What better way to add a little holiday magic than the... ...
title('Regular Quiver plot','FontSize',16); %get the data from regular quiver U = hq.UData; V = hq.VData; X = hq.XData; Y = hq.YData; %right version (with annotation) hax_2 = subplot(1,2,2); %hold on;forii =1:length(X)forij =1:length(X) ...
text with mathematical expression using LaTex x=linspace(0,3); X=[1:1:100] y=x.^2.*sin(x);plot(x,y);line([2,2],[0,2^2*sin(2)]);str='$$ \int_{0}^{2} x^2\sin(x) dx $$';text(0.25,2.5,str,'Interpreter','latex');annotation('arrow','X',[0.32,0.5],'Y',[0.6...
plot(x, sin(x), 'c', x, cos(x), 'g'); 若要同时改变颜色及图线型态(Line style),也是在座标对后面加上相 关字串即可: plot(x, sin(x), 'co', x, cos(x), 'g*'); === 小整理:plot绘图函数的叁数 字元 颜色 字元 图线型态 y 黄色 . 点 k 黑色...
Code Example 2: Customizing Arrow Properties Theannotation()function allows users to customize arrows further by specifying additional properties. Here’s an example with some customization: % Creating another plottheta=linspace(0,2*pi,100);radius=2;x=radius*cos(theta);y=radius*sin(theta);figure...