'标注');plot(x,y,'-k','LineWidth',1.3)holdonplot(x,yy,'--k','LineWidth',1.3)% 添加注释Str='$2x^2 + x + 1$';an=annotation('textarrow',[0.735714285714286,0.705714285714286],[0.327619047619048
plot.fig Please how can draw an arrow on each of this plot showing the direction for increasing time. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 답변 (1개) Shivani2024년 6월 11일 0 링크
annotation('arrow', [0, 1], [0, 1]); clear; clc; % 获取到颜色 [all_themes, all_colors] = GetColors(); x = 1:10; y = sin(x); plot(x, y, '.'); hold on for i = 1:9 PlotLineArrow(gca, [x(i), x(i + 1)], [y(i), y(i + 1)], all_colors(6, :), ......
(2) annotation('line',x,y) % 建立从(x(1), y(1))到(x(2), y(2))的线注释对象。 (3) annotation('arrow',x,y) % 建立从(x(1), y(1))到(x(2), y(2))的箭头注释对象。 (4) annotation('doublearrow',x,y)% 建立从(x(1), y(1))到(x(2), y(2))的双箭头注释对象。 (5...
>> plot(xy(1,:),xy(2,:), 'k', 'linewidth', 3); % 绘制椭圆曲线,线宽为3,颜色为黑色 % 在当前图形窗口加入带箭头的文本标注框 >> h = annotation('textarrow',[0.606 0.65],[0.55 0.65]); % 设置文本标注框中显示的字符串,并设字号为15 ...
>> plot(xy(1,:),xy(2,:), 'k', 'linewidth', 3); % 绘制椭圆曲线,线宽为3,颜色为黑色 % 在当前图形窗口加入带箭头的文本标注框 >> h = annotation('textarrow',[0.606 0.65],[0.55 0.65]); % 设置文本标注框中显示的字符串,并设字号为15 ...
简单的网络图不等于进度计划进度网络图的绘制方法紧前关系绘图法箭线图法条件绘图法箭线图ADM 箭线法:ADB(Arrow Diagramming Method),又叫双代号法AOA。...用箭线表示活动,在节点处将活动连接起来表示依赖关系只使用“完成-开始”依赖关系不能表示提前量和滞后量条件绘图CDM 允许分支和回路与图形评审技术共同使用紧...
Code Example 1: Basic Arrow Addition Let’s consider a simple example where we have a plot, and we want to add an arrow pointing to a specific data point. Assume we have the following data: % Creating a simple plotx=1:0.1:5;y=sin(x);plot(x,y,'LineWidth',2);% Adding a basic ...
Just use arrowPlot(X, Y), it can plot curve just like plot(X, Y) and add 2 arrows to the curve with beautiful arrow shape, on suitable positions, with suitable size, directing to suitable directions. If you are not satisfied with some of the properties of arrows, you can use some ...
plot(x1,y1); hold on; %hold on用于连接这两个图,是第二张图不覆盖第一张图,使第二张图画在第一张图上 x2=0:2*pi; y2=sin(x2) plot(x2,y2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 很明显,一个是较光滑的连线图,一个是较不光滑的连线图 ...