01 商务邮件经典错误之一:please be noted 提醒别人,“请对方注意”接下来的信息,我们很容易就用成被动语气,说成please be noted。但其实note这个词在当做“注意,留意”的时候,直接说please note或please note that.用主动形式就可以。Please note the difference in the two cases.注意这两个案例之间的不同...
后来一查证,果然没有Please be noted的说法,正确的说法就是Please note。 至于为什么有人误用为Please be noted,大概是受到Please be advised/informed这种表达的影响,强行套用。 Please be advised/informed的说法是对的,因为你是被告知的对象,所以要被动,而Ple...
Please note that This phrase is correct. "Please note that" is a polite way to ask someone to pay attention to a fact or detail. Some examples from our editors: Please note that we will be open later during the holiday season. Please note that we have moved to a new location. We're...
(1) Please note that ...[something] ===> to ask people politely to pay attention to something "note" is a tritive verb which always takes on an impersonal object [something]. On the contrary "remind" is also a tritive verb but it has to take on a personal object [...
Members note that as the Administration will move Committee Stage amendments ("CSAs")toreplace"inthe course of the business of the partnership as" referred to in the proposed section 7AC(1) with "from the provision of professional service" to make clear that an innocent partner will be protec...
aNoted your breakdown of the raw material, please note the Soap noodle for item 8250 now should be added 100 Tons in your list as we have already delivered the goods of 100 tons on Sat.,(26th May) Kindly note and advise. 注意了您的原料的故障,请注意在您的名单应该现在加肥皂面条为项目...
aNoted your file about visor it’s approved ok but please consider the regulation provides that the certificate of helmet must also be included this visor, not separate. On your certificate it is not indicated. Also please note in the visor certificate it is collegate to helmet of Hudan HD...
The deadline for receiving the updated translation is 2 June 2015. Also note that I appreciate it when you have suggestions to the original text. The update was inspired by bug reports where the bugs were submitted due to users mis-understanding what to expect. The text can't be too clear...
Hi, You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for dbconfig-common. The English template has been changed, and now some messages are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing. I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it. Please send the ...