Though several aspects of this lipid signaling pathway are conserved within animals and plants, clear differences have also emerged. While animal PLC signaling is characterized by the hydrolysis of PIP2 and production of IP3 and DAG as second messengers to activate Ca2+ and PKC signaling, plant ...
A potential explanation for the agonist-specific [Ca2+]c spike shapes is differential modulation of the generation and/or metabolism of IP3 by distinct GPCRs. An additional component of the Gq-linked PLC pathway is the generation of diacylglycerol and activation of PKC, concurrent with the product...
T淋巴细胞CaSR的作用及其.ij PLC.IP3通路和TRPC通道的关系 PLC—DAG传导通路激活开放,并非由钙库调节。但是在单个细胞水平的研究中 fM】,TRPC5也会以钙库操纵性钙内流的方式参与调节[Ca2+]i,究其原因,可能是 出于当TRPC5处于不同的表达水平时,对钙库的敏感度也不同。 有研究显示…】,TRPC6是以受体偶联PLC...
These results suggest that PCV2 infection triggers ERS of PK-15 cells via the PLC–IP3R–Ca 2+ signaling pathway to promote the release of intracellular Ca 2+ and led to cell apoptosis. 展开 关键词: Apoptosis porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) PLC IP3R Ca2+ Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER ...
,研究发现 IP3 与三磷酸肌醇受体 (1,4 ,5- tri sphosphate Recepter, IP。R) 结合后 诱发 的肌浆 网内 Caz 释 放在平滑肌 收缩的发 起( 即 I 相收 缩 ) 中占有重要地 位 ,但是 子痫前期 血管 平 滑肌细胞否存 PLC—Y 1 一 PI3一PI3R信 息途 经激 活引起钙 ...
UTP经PLC-IP3信号通路调控猪冠状动脉平滑肌细胞自发性瞬时外向电流.pdf,维普资讯 生理学报ActaPhysiologicaSinica,February25,2008,60(1):65—73 http://www.actaps.corn.ca UTP经PLC.IP3信号通路调控猪冠状动脉平滑肌细胞 自发性 瞬时外 向电流 李鹏云,曾晓荣
Banxia Xiexin Decoction (半夏泻心汤) Treats Diabetic Gastroparesis through PLC-IP3-Ca2+/NO-cGMP-PKG Signal Pathway To test the effect of Banxia Xiexin Decoction (半夏泻心汤, BXD) on the contraction and relaxation of gastric smooth muscle (SM) in diabetic gastroparesis (... Bin Wang,Ke-wu...
trisphosphate,IP3)等。机械牵拉或剪应力作用可使成骨细胞和一些力敏感细胞 (如血管内皮细胞)胞内ca2+浓度迅速增高,机械应变和剪应力亦可诱导胞内IP3 浓度增高,而IP3可以动员胞内钙库的释放,从而使胞内Ca2+浓度增高。机械牵 拉和剪应力均可使胞内cAMP浓度增高,而cAMP浓度的增高与力刺激诱导的细 ...