1. 将带有 Alpha 通道的视频文件转为 VP8 格式的 webm 文件: ffmpeg -i video-with-alpha.mov -c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuva420p -b:v 2M -auto-alt-ref 0 output.webm 2. webm 导入 Unity,拖到到 Plane 的 Inspector 上的空白区域 3. 创建 Material(Shader = Particles/Standard Unlit, Rendering ...
● Vuforia播放模式仅在Unity Pro版本下起作用,回插件加载是一个Pro特性对桌面平台。 ●在ARCamera对象的检视器中有一个复选框--Don't use for Play Mode, 勾上它可以使得摄像头失效。产生的行为是与---早期的Vuforia版本只支持基本的播放模式---是一样的(没时间视频与目标追踪)。 ● 如果没有可用摄像头或...
1. 新建Unity3D工程,导入官网工程(VideoPlayback-4-2-3.unitypackage); 2. 删除main camera,在Assets搜索AR Camera并将其拖到Hierarchy,同样的将ImageTarget也拖进来,对ImageTarget参数进行修改,这里我使用例子里的识别图; 3. 在assets里找到video这个预制件,将他拖到imagetarget下作为子物体; 4. 修改video的参数...
狡猾的皮球 Shader 12 有人碰到过如题问题吗,不管是打包在手机还是电脑上,都不能播放。 狡猾的皮球 Shader 12 顶一下 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of video game technology analysis resources.We want to create a community-driven platform where everyone can contribute and benefit from the shared knowledge to understand the mechanics behind games and inspire game development....
VideoClipImporter VideoImporterTargetSettings Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Assemblies Unity OtherVideoClipImporter.PlayPreview Leave feedback public void PlayPreview(); Description Starts preview playback. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this page Is ...
Video game play has become a common leisure activity all around the world. To reveal possible effects of playing video games, we measured saccades elicited by video game players (VGPs) and non-players (NVGPs) in two oculomotor tasks. First, our subjects performed a double-step task. Second...