However, there is no comprehensive study which gives details of modifications at different steps of the plant genomic DNA isolation protocol, that have been attempted by researchers to overcome the specie and tissue specific limitations. This review gives a detailed account of the steps involved in ...
英文名Rapid Plant Genomic DNA Isolation Kit 相关类别基因组DNA分离储存常温(10-30℃) 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 B518231-005050 PREPS现货300300 B518231-0100100 PREPS现货530530 产品描述 概述 本试剂盒是生工生物研制成功的一种植物基因组 DNA 快速抽提试剂盒。采用去垢剂消化的方法裂解细胞,...
基因组DNA分离试剂盒(植物)(磁珠)(Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Plant) (Magnetic Beads))适用样本类型Plant Tissue 产品特点 100mg Fresh plant tissue, 50mg dry plant tissue 保存建议 Room Temperature 其他 Reddot Biotech是由一支拥有35年医疗管理经验团队创办的加拿大本土品牌,其已在ELISA产品线上深耕7个年头,...
The DNA Isolation Dual Kit (Plant) combines reagent system and spin column system in it. The kit was designed specifically for genomic DNA isolation from plant samples. This unique reagent system ensures total DNA with high yield and good quality from samples and the spin column system was desi...
high molecular weight DNA or nuclear DNA with low cp/mt contamination. Total cellular DNA was isolated from all species with the CTAB protocol. We also used several protocols (Protocol A, Protocol B and Protocol C) for isolation of nuclear DNA. Genomic DNA was isolated from all eight species...
The NucleoSpin 8 Plant II and NucleoSpin 96 Plant II kits enable time-saving parallel isolation of genomic DNA from plant cells and tissue in a flexible 8-well strip format and a convenient 96-well plate high-throughput format, respectively. The kits are suitable for processing ...
See bar graph below for typical genomic DNA yields from various sources.Features of the MagMAX Plant DNA Isolation Kit include:• Versatile—suitable for most plant types and parts, including woody, polyphenol-rich, and lignified samples• High DNA yields—compared to traditional CTAB method•...
Genomic DNA Isolation from Fungi, Algae, Plant, Bacteria and Human Blood using CTAB DNA isolation with good intensity and quality is always been a necessity, whether you need for PCR or any other analysis. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) buffer is used for DNA extraction from plants with...
This kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total DNA from a wide range of plant and fungal species. Total DNA, including genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA can be purified from fresh or frozen plant tissues, plant cells or fungi samples using this ...
Genomic DNA isolation and library construction for whole genome sequencing Genomic DNA was extracted from 1.5 g of 7-day fresh protonema culture on PpNH4 medium. DNA samples were extracted using the NucleoSpin™ PlantII Kit (Macherey–Nagel) as described by the manufacturer. For all 13 samples...