"I learned about plant-based meat in the news three years ago, but this is the first time I'm cooking it," Gu says. "It doesn't have the strong smell of a normal bean product, so I found it easy to use as a substitute for meat. There is no need to add special condiments." ...
For instance, in August 2023, according to an article by USA Today, a US-based news broadcasting company, the U.S. restaurant industry made $898 billion in sales in 2022, which is an extra $166.5 billion from 2021 sales. Therefore, the growth of the food and beverage service industry ...
"Plant-based meats in China: Already available, easily accessible and widely affordable. That is the message that we hope to send out at the MeatFest by bringing these local brands into spotlight," Samyuktha said. In 1993, Whole Perfect Foods, a Taiwan-invested vegetarian food company brought ...
Create standout plant-based meat alternatives with Ingredion formulation knowhow and broad portfolio of plant-based proteins and texture solutions
Are Plant-Based Meats Healthier? There is no evidence to suggest plant-based meats are healthier than natural meats. The simple argument Beyond Meat makes—that not being meat is what makes it healthier—doesn’t really stand up. It is true that there is data suggesting a diet high in proc...
Chef-crafted to be delicious, healthful and versatile, Hungry Planet® offers premium plant-based meats that prepare, cook and taste just like conventional lean meat.
Similar to CellX, cultured meat companies such as Joes Future Food in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, and Hong Kong's Avant Meats respectively obtained financing worth tens of millions of yuan in 2021, according to China Food News. For plant-based meat, many products developed by domestic companies ...
Chef-crafted to be delicious, healthful and versatile, Hungry Planet® offers premium plant-based meats that prepare, cook and taste just like conventional lean meat.
Despite these promising signs, some critics have challenged the health benefits of alternative meats. In response, Brown said soy, the main ingredient of his products, is a very high quality protein, and "our product contains just as much bioavailable iron and protein as meat from cows." ...
DELICIOUS & SUSTAINABLE Whether you’re vegan or looking to reduce the amount of meat you eat, Modern Meats are a great-tasting alternative that won’t leave you feeling deprived! It’s hard to believe these are meatless! From burgers to gyozas, our plant-based meats will satisfy your crav...