A simple x-ray image of a body part, taken from an anterior, posterior, lateral, or oblique projection. See also:film Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page fo...
or “plantar aponeurosis” combined with “radiography”, “X-ray”, “ultrasound”, “sonography”, “magnetic resonance imaging” or “imaging”, even combined with “fasciitis”, “fibromatosis”, “tear”, “rupture”, “xanthoma”, “diabetes mellitus”, “infection” or “foreign body”. ...
It is likely that X-Ray underestimation stems from its inability appreciate lesions deviating from the plane of the film and CT underestimation from physician bias towards the assumed 3 o'clock position. This study suggests the pursuit of a novel X-Ray technique that will increase the probability...
out-of-plane reflections or the presence of internal clastic beds within the salt. The transition from the Upper Evaporites seismic facies to the ‘transparent’ salt seismic facies is gradual
When the charged particle travels faster than the speed of light in the medium, it creates a photonic boom—similar to the sonic boom created by a plane traveling faster than the speed of sound. This cone of Cherenkov light travels in the direction of the charged particle, making a ring-li...