Time domain double slit interference of electron produced by XUV synchrotron radiation T. Kaneyasu , Y. Hikosaka & M. Katoh Article 13 February 2023 | Open Access Self-aligned multi-layer X-ray absorption grating using large-area fabrication methods for X-ray phase-contrast imaging Abdol...
A method of analysis is presented for solving radiation-transfer problems involving space-dependent albedo ω( x) for an absorbing, emitting and anisotropically scattering plane-parallel medium with reflecting boundaries. The albedo is represented in terms of Legendre polynomials in the form ω( x) ...
under a high purity nitrogen atmosphere. X-ray powder diffraction spectra are taken on a Bruker D8-advance X-ray diffractometer with Cu Kαradiation to show the X-raydiffraction patternsof the synthesized SPGO.Elemental analysiswas performed on a LECO CHNS-932 analyzer to confirm the presence of...
The low Earth orbit radiation environment and its impact on the prompt background of hard x-ray focusing telescopes The background minimization is a science-driven necessity in order to reach deep sensitivity levels in the hard X-ray band, one of the key scientific requi... V Fioretti,A Bu...
Phase content and preferred crystallite orientation of all specimens is determined from θ-2θ x-ray diffractometry (XRD) carried out using a Philips X’Pert MRD system operated with point-focus Cu Kα radiation. All XPS experiments are performed in an Axis Ultra DLD instrument from Kratos Analy...
X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a commercially established modality for imaging large objects like passenger luggage. CT can provide the density and the effective atomic number, which is not always sufficient to identify threats like explosives and nar
In this article, we present an X-ray tomographic imaging method that is well suited for pulmonary disease studies in animal models to resolve the full path
Small-angle scattering (SAS) is a technique that is able to probe the structural organization of matter and quantify its response to changes in external conditions. X-ray and neutron scattering profiles measured from bulk materials or materials deposited
Material defects and the strain fields accompanying them influence a wide variety of material properties, from mechanical strength and failure, the efficiency of electronic devices1, radiation resistance, battery performance2 and crystal growth, and dissolution3. Consequently, the ability to control the ...