Imaging planes (axial and/or coronal and/or sagittal), e. Examination time and f. Sedation. Execution of MRI was considered to be described sufficiently if a-c were given. Data on interpretation of WB-MRI that were recorded: a. Number of observers for interpretation; b. Experience of the...
the organ under study in a series of cross sections or planes. The technique allows soft tissues such as theliverand kidney to be clearlydifferentiatedin the images reconstructed by the computer. This procedure adds enormously to the diagnostic information that can be provided by conventional X-...
The axial oblique slices should always be individually adjusted for organ position and indication and may not correspond to the axial or coronal planes of the body axis. 8 The longitudinal axis through the lumen of interest serves as the reference standard for organ-specific angulation of the MRI...
2. Studies for CTPA must include multiple planes of scanning. All series must be scrutinized as best conspicuity is obtained when the PE orientation is parallel to the scan plane. 3. Detection of small or incidental pulmonary emboli is very important, as a high number of patients go on to ...
sonography, in the hands of an experienced ultrasonographer, can also suggest the diagnosis of a thoracic duct cyst, and computed tomography is useful in diagnosing a cystic neck mass; however, it lags behind mri in its ability to differentiate soft-tissue planes. the differential diagnosis of ...
CT images are acquired in the axial plane, with suggested 3-mm reconstruction section thickness. Multiplanar reformats in the coronal and sagittal planes of each postcontrast scan series also can be done with 3-mm reconstruction section thickness without overlap. ...
location: time it takes for the sound wave to be emitted and return discuss B-mode ultrasound each echo forms a spot on the imagelocation = time lapsed between sending and receiving planes of an ultrasound sagittal-long axis viewtransverse-cross-section viewdorsal/oblique viewsscan in dorsal ...
Chapter 3- Directional Terms, Planes, Position 75個詞語 Claudia_Nguyen4 預覽 Neuroimaging 26個詞語 benett1234 預覽 ASRT #4 28個詞語 jess_ricemcvc 預覽 本學習集中的詞語(136) density the overall blackness/darkness of an image- density is a degree of silver blackening - an image with correct...
The high rotational velocity and the large mass of the x-ray tube anode creates large gyroscopic forces, and when considered with the high rotational velocity of the gantry, the only practical mechanical orientation of the x-ray tube is to have the rotational planes of the anode and the ...
Coronal plane in opportunistic screening of osteoporosis using computed tomography: comparison with axial and sagittal planes Osteoporosis was diagnosed based on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry results. The CT number was measured at the center of the vertebral body in coronal, ... Y Kim,C Kim,E...