glycine-rich loopinteraction networkskinasesmolecular recognitionpyrrolidineswater replacementProtein kinases continue to be hot targets in drug discovery research, as they are involved in many essential cellular processes and their deregulation can lead to a variety of diseases. A series of 32 ...
Largest conformational changes between closed-intermediate and open forms of PKA occur at the glycine-rich loop and the C-terminal (Ct) tail of PKA. The N-terminal tail is in the back of the figure. See also Figures S3 and S5. The AMP-PNP γ-phosphate is positioned ∼6.0 Å away ...
Sébastien Didier †, Florent Sauvé †, Manon Domise, Luc Buée, Claudia Marinangeli and Valérie Vingtdeux * Université de Lille, Inserm, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lille, UMR-S1172—JPArc—Centre de Recherche Jean-Pierre AUBERT, F-59000 Lille, France; ...