Bees can survive on the despised dandelion. Bees aren’t the only pollinators out there. But they are, by far, the most efficient. This is a swarm of honey bees. They make it so we can eat food. Cherish them. Let’s put it this way. If bees all die, we can quit worrying about...
roasted roots can be used as a caffeine-free coffee alternative. Also, a favourite drink of my husband, who grew up in the UK, was the soft drink dandelion and burdock. It is one of the ingredients of root beer.
What are Holland Greens? What is Cress? What are Dandelion Greens? Discussion Comments Byanon204602— On Aug 09, 2011 I eat them raw with lettuce and seasoned sauce/fish and rice. Adds an interesting flavor. Plus you can grow your own plants indoors/outdoors. They do quite well. You can...
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