lipid A analogueslipopolysaccharideTLR4/MD‐2 complexLipidAistheendotoxicmoietyofthebacteriallipopolysaccharide(LPS)moleculeTheknowledgeandthefine-tuningofitsstructureinsyntheticexperimentsispivotaltounderstandthebioactivityoftheentireLPSmoleculeSMartín-Santamaría,AMolinaroetaldiscussthechemicalandbiochemicalaspectsofthis...
Phospholipids are a type of organic compound that consists of two fatty acids and a phosphate group. In water-based solutions, the...
the 65-kDa isoform of human glutamic acid decarboxylase (hGAD65), a complex molecule containing 15 cysteine residues and two palmi-toylated sites 我们早先探索了对植物的用途为生产其中一主要自动免疫的糖尿病autoantigens,即。 包含15半胱氨酸残滓和二的人的 (谷氨酸)脱羧基酶hGAD65,一个复杂分子65-...
Overimposed is the peculiar lipid A structure of the lipopolysaccharide from P. cichorii. Lipid A constitutes the endotoxic principle expressing all the pathophysiological effects known to be induced by lipopolysaccharide molecule. Details are discussed in the article by A. Molinaro on p. 3119 ff. ...
total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides; total antioxidant capacity by FRAP and TRAP; the immune status by TNF-α, as a prototype of Th1 cytokine and IL-10, as prototypes of Th2 cytokine; the levels of malondialdehyde in the erythrocytes as marker of lipid ...
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a form of extracorporeal circulation that temporarily replaces the function of the heart and lungs during surgery to maintain the circulation of blood and oxygen in the patient, which has benefited thousands of patients since its introduction nearly 60 years ago [1,...
Neutron diffraction experiments on selectively deuterated lipids provide a new method of determining to a segmental resolution the mean conformation of a lipid molecule as projected along the bilayer normal, despite the high amount of disorder that exists in these bilayers. In addition a time averaged...
single‐molecule studiesMembrane nanopores self-assembled from DNA are the most recent type of synthetic channels. Inserting negatively charged DNA origami structures into a hydrophobic membrane can be achieved with just two porphyrin-based lipid anchors, as shown by S. Howorka and co-workers in ...
Src dimers fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) on supported lipid bilayers were identified using single-molecule photobleaching experiments. Competition with a protein containing only native Src domains without GFP confirms that dimerization is a previously overlooked intrinsic property of Src. ...
Types of Extracellular Vesicles Size [nm] Appearance by Electron Microscopy Markers Genetical Information Mechanism of Information Release Process Pathways Lipid Membrane Composition Protein Components Intracellular Origin References Exosomes 50–150 Cup shape CD63, TSG101, Alix, flottlin, tetraspanins, Rab...