以前为了强推GPU物理加速,phyx如果用CPU只能单核跑,卡出翔,后来用的游戏越来越少,老黄自己也放弃了,补上了CPU多线程,加上现在的CPU远超当年,已经不卡了 ggbo3718 小吧主 14 看了下日期不是坟贴啊, 选默认就行。 物理加速是10年前的东西,现在没用了 暖阳🌕 默背吧规 6 u是i9-9900k显卡2080ti.整体...
am i supposed to keep the CPU or GPU at PhysX in Nvidia Settings ? I did check and it seems on automatically the GPU sets up as default but should there be the CPU or GPU , some people say CPU is supposed to do it but some other say GPU Specs of CPU/GPU: CPU: INTEL® ...
For example did it fix an issue where a laptop didn't render correctly in a CAD program, which resulted in poor performance. They should change it to say. Perform physics on GPU or CPU. Sometimes the auto setting, dosen't choose the right processer for the job, due to poorly designed...
For laptops, it becomes 50/50, because mobile GPU are usually half the specs of their desktop counterpart, so there are cases where the CPU would be faster, like yours. It still comes down to just testing yourself and use whichever setting benefits you the most. 0 LordVampyre 12y 0 ...
I think it depends on SDK and how it was implemented, if PhysX3Gpu_x64.dll is missing it will only be cpu. some effects are gpu only. latest sdk removes support for maxwell probably because they use a more recent cuda version. try setting CUDA on the second gpu. Reactions: zoulzteale...
NOTE: If you dedicated a GPU to PhysX, the setting could be removed if you changed the multi-GPU configuration. ClickApply. If you have more than one display connected and multi-GPU mode is enabled, If none of the displays in the multi-GPU group are the primary display,...
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Later (a bit) as GPU's became powerfull enoigh to do both graphics and compute introduced CUDA as the accelartion platform for PhysX. Quote some time thereafter they reincluded a CPU path for PhysX, as support by devs was kinda lacking. Lol, and as or stands ... PhysX isnt really ...
* A bug in the GPU pipeline where setting the maximum joint velocity to zero resulted in a crash. ### Changed * In the CPU codepath, constraints involving the root link of a fixed-base articulation are now resolved simultaneously with constraints that couple pairs of dynamic rigid bodies and...
This feature is split into two components: rigid body dynamics and broad phase. These are enabled using PxSceneFlag::eENABLE_GPU_DYNAMICS and by setting PxSceneDesc::broadphaseType to PxBroadPhaseType::eGPU respectively. These properties are immutable properties of the scene. In addition, you ...