Physical activity includes exercise as well as other activities which involve bodilymovement and are done as part of playing, working, active transportation, housechores and recreational activities.身体活动包括锻炼以及涉及身体动作的其它活动,作为游戏、工作、出行(不用机动车)、家务和娱乐活动的...
The number of calories burned during exercise varies greatly with the type of physical activity,___t___, without increasing food intake proportionally.___eat healthier foods that contain more fiber and less fat, and therefore fewer calories.___healthier for the heart and blood vessels. ___...
Exercise and Physical Activity for the Post–Aortic Dissection Patient: The Clinician's Conundrum Chaddha A, Eagle K A, Braverman A C, Exercise and Physical Activity for the Post-Aortic Dissection Patient: The Clinician's Conundrum, Clin Cardiol. 2015 Nov;38(11):647-651Exercise and Physical ...
2 This lack of regular physical activity means people burn fewer calories than in the past, so we need to do something to consume (消耗)our energy. Experts think adults need to do 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week. 3 Exercise can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Team...
"Physical activity," "exercise," and "physical fitness" are terms that describe different concepts. However, they are often confused with one another, and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. This paper proposes definitions to distinguish them. Physical activity is defined as any bodily mov...
Men who are considering a vasectomy usually have two questions about exercise and physical activity after a vasectomy: How long do I need to wait after the procedure before resuming normal physical activities? In the long-term, will I still be able to run,ride a bike, swim, lift weights, ...
acsm立场声明老年人运动与身体活动-exercise and physical activity for older adults.pdf,Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults (MSSE 30:6, 1998 pp. 975-1008) This pronouncement was written for the American College of Sports Medicine by: Robert S. M
英国杜伦大学Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity体育,运动和身体活动专业不仅热衷于提高学生的运动成绩,还热衷于减少不平等,促进社会正义,并通过运动、锻炼和体育活动确保更好的健康和福祉。学习体育、运动和身体活动专业将使学生能够探索从基本运动到精英运动的广泛主题。
These findings showed that adults who became physically active later in life had mortality rates similar to those of lifelong exercisers and that most of the benefits of activity performed earlier in life (adolescence or early adulthood) were lost if activity was not maintained. We had anticipated...