In this study, we use mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data to uncover the phylogeographic structure and demographic history of A. calvus and A. compressiceps, and their phylogenetic relationships to other ‘ossified group’ lamprologines. In doing so and by comparing the inferred pattern with ...
'Mainstream' cladists have formulated a rigorous Popperian methodology of falsifiability and have claimed that pattern in evolutionary biology is logically prior to the reconstruction of process and that cladograms have logical precedence over phylogenetic trees and phylogenetic trees over evolutionary scena...
Nematodes in the genera Nippostrongylus and Heligmonoides were also analyzed, and the validity of the reconstructed phylogenetic trees was observed from a zoogeographical point of view. Some of the theories of parasite evolution were briefly reviewed as well. Coevolution of parasites and humans ...
The distinctness of leaf insects from the remaining phasmatodeans is indisputable and led to the designation of a separate order (Phyllioptera) as sister taxon to all other phasmatodeans in the past22. Although all phylogenetic studies agree on Phylliidae as a member of the Euphasmatodea ...
Phylogenetic trees inferred from mitochondrial genome sequences using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The tree topology is largely stable across all analyses; branch lengths presented here follow the Bayesian analysis using nucleotide sequence dataset partitioned by genes. Node numbers indicate Bayes...
In this study, we conducted phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses for Linnaeoideae and its close relatives based on sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS and nine plastid ( rbc L, trn S-G, mat K, trn L-F, ndh A, trn D- psb M, pet B-D, trn L- rpl 32 and trn H- psb A)...
Mats of coenocytic "snow molds" are commonly observed covering the soil and litter of alpine and subalpine areas immediately following snow melt. Here, we describe the phylogenetic placement, growth rates, and metabolic potential of cold-adapted fungi from under-snow mats in the subalpine forests...
Phylogenetics is a science of determining connections between groups of organisms in terms of ancestor/descendent relationships, usually expressed by phylogenetic trees, also called "trees of life", clado-grams, or dendograms. In parsimony approach to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees, the goal is ...
Phylogenetic relationships among major lineages of the Evacanthinae, a highly diverse leafhopper subfamily distributed worldwide, were explored by analysing a dataset of 100 discrete morphological characters and DNA sequence data from five gene regions.