Phylotype (phylogenetic type)doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6754-9_12822A species representing a branch of a phylogenetic tree on the basis of shared similarity of nucleotide sequences. phylogenetic treeSpringer Netherlands
The phylogenetic tree constructed in the present study has shown that this cosmopolitan type can be further grouped into three lineages (subtypes A, B, and C). Subtype A consists of some Caribbean, two South American, and some Japanese isolates, including that from the Ainu, in addition to ...
摘要: sulfurreducens LTTRs. This is the first study to date providing a detailed classification of LTTRs in the deltaproteobacterial family Geobacteraceae.关键词: Geobacter sulfurreducens LysR LTTR Phylogenetic tree Operon Transcriptional regulation ...
Plant functional typesare sets of species showing similar responses to the environment and similar effects on ecosystem functioninga. These groupings tend to be based on common attributes rather than onphylogeneticrelationshipsb,c. Plant functional types can be viewed from two different anglesd: functi...
1a), probably as part of the cephalic expansion that commenced around the emergence of this animal lineage (the ‘new head’ hypothesis)7. Fig. 1: Adult brain atlas overview. a, Top: phylogenetic tree displaying the main vertebrate lineages and their approximate brain anatomies; the blue bar...
a hierarchy or a tree is well-suited to model the dependence across datasets. Such hierarchies can be implemented as a phylogenetic tree with observed data at the tips of the tree as in GNAT26and MRTLE25, or as a cell-lineage tree with observations at all nodes in the tree. scMTNI and...
Sequence determination of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene of human parainfluenza type 2 virus and the construction of a phylogenetic tree for HN ... The nucleotide sequence of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene of human parainfluenza type 2 virus (PIV2) was determined. The PIV-2...
Phylogenetic tree analysis demonstrated that RV Ch-1 VP6 is not a link between avian and mammalian VP6 sequences. RV Ch-1 showed variant aa in 17 positions which were otherwise absolutely conserved in mammalian and avian group A RVs. The 17 replacements were scattered through the entire VP6 ...
If you plan to use TB-Profiler in your work please citethe paperand include both the version oftb-profilerand the database. Please raise them using theIssuespage. Please see thecontributing guidelinesand thecode of conduct. Q. How can I use tb-profiler to produce a phylogenetic tree?
Interferons (IFNs) are critical soluble factors in the immune system and are composed of three types, (I, II and III) that utilize different receptor complexes IFN-αR1/IFN-αR2, IFN-γR1/IFN-γR2, and IFN-λR1/IL-10R2, respectively. Here we identify IFN