Phusion 高保真 DNA 聚合酶的错误率是 Taq 的1/50,是 Pfu 的1/6,因此是克隆和其他需要高保真度的应用的极佳之选。与其他 DNA 聚合酶相比,Phusion DNA 聚合酶性能稳定,实验方案耗时少(即使存在 PCR 抑制剂),能以更低的酶量实现更高的产出。 Phusion 高保真 PCR 预混液是方便操作的 2X 混合液,其含有 ...
Phusion DNA 聚合酶是克隆的理想选择,可用于长片段或难扩增的扩增子。Phusion 是目前具有最高扩增准确性的热稳定聚合酶之一,错配率为TaqDNA 聚合酶的五十分之一,火球菌(Pyrococcus furiosus)DNA 聚合酶(1)的六分之一。Phusion DNA 聚合酶具有 5´→3´ 聚合酶活性和 3´→5´ 核酸外切酶活性,可生成平...
Phusion DNA Polymerase is an ideal choice for cloning and can be used for long or difficult amplicons. With an error rate > 50-fold lower than that of Taq DNA Polymerase and 6-fold lower than that of Pyrococcus furiosus DNA Polymerase (1), Phusion is one of the most accurate thermostable...
What separates Phusion Flash DNA Polymerase from other fast polymerases is that all steps in the PCR protocol can be shortened, including annealing and denaturation. This results in extremely fast protocols as compared with any other polymerase. DyNAzyme II DNA Polymerase can use dUTP, biotinylated ...
Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase Phusion® 超保真 DNA 聚合酶 用于快速和高性能 PCR。Thermo Scientific® Phusion 超保真 DNA 聚合酶由 NEB 公司生产并进行质量控制,兼备高保真度和稳定扩增的性能。 保真度是 Taq 的50 倍 稳定的反应体系:优化工作极少,成功率极高 提供多种缓冲液,便于针对不同的 DNA...
用于快速和高性能 PCR。Thermo Scientific® Phusion® 超保真 DNA 聚合酶由 NEB 公司生产并进行质量控制,兼备高保真度和稳定扩增的性能。 保真度是 Taq 的50 倍。 稳定的反应体系:优化工作极少,成功率极高。 配有HF 缓冲液的预混液剂型,适用于宽泛的 AT/GC 含量。 产品组分信息 操作说明 ...
Relative fidelity values of different DNA polymerases. Phusion DNA Polymerases have extremely low error rates. The error rate, determined by a modified lacI-based method, is approximately 50-fold lower than that of Taq DNA polymerase and 6-fold lower than that of Pfu DNA polymerase. Fidelity =...
- High fidelity—provides >100X higher sequence accuracy than Taq polymerase - Convenient setup—enables a universal annealing temperature of 60°C in PCR - Enhanced specificity—hot-start mechanism reduces non-specific amplification and primer degradation - Benchtop stability—automation enabled due to ...
The Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Protocol 规格 诱变能力:点诱变 聚合酶:Phusion Hot Start II High Fidelity DNA Polymerase 产品线:Phusion Product Type Specs:Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit 反应速度:Fast 公司简介 北京雅安达生物技术有限公司依托*重点实验室建立,是由具有资深生命科学、生物技术背景及留学归国...
High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase is excellent choice for cloning and other applications requiring high fidelity. Phusion DNA Polymerases offer robust performance with short protocol times, even in the presence of PCR inhibitors, and generate higher yields with lower enzyme amounts than other DNA polymerase...