Giving feedback is hard. That's why we compiled 60 performance review phrases to use when you're evaluating yourself, your direct reports, or your peers.
Performance reviews can be difficult for everyone, manager and employee alike. But you can avoid that stress by structuring your performance reviews toinspire greatnessinstead of dread. One of the best ways to do that is to use performance appraisal phrases. These simple yet descriptive sentences h...
Performance reviews are one of the best tools managers have to shape company talent and culture, develop strong channels of communication with employees, and create systemic change. In this pithy, user-friendly handbook, author and writing teacher Sandra E. Lamb lays out the best methods and ...
Adaptability and Change Management Skills 适应与变革管理技能 能够接受频繁的任务转换。员工适应经常在不停的切换于不同的任务中,就是正常的,就是能够正常切换自己分配的任务。良好的,就是不光能够合理的切换,而且能加入自己的经验进行更高效率的切换。优秀的,不但能够更有效率的切换,还会对切换的需求进行分析,了解...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现英文原版 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews 有效绩效考核的2600条短语 人力资源管理书籍 英文版 进口英语原版书的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于英文原版 2600
Performance reviews are universally dreaded by managers and employees alike. What is meant for good, to evaluate employees and help them improve each year, has morphed into a time consuming process meant to satisfy human resources. It doesn’t have to be this bad!
The phrases we use in a performance reviews have a lot of power. When delivered correctly, they can reinforce good employee behavior.
A follow-up to the top-selling Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews, this book provides managers with phrases and goals that describe expected future performance from their direct reports. A timesaving job aid for any performance review or plan, the book: Makes it easy for managers to set hi...
Walter creates an exciting atmosphere for his team: one in which new ideas are rewarded and encouraged. Peter doesn’t accept “we’ve always done it this way” as a solution; instead, he constantly reviews solutions to see if they are the most effective way of doing things. Harry encourag...
100 Performance Review Example Phrases The examples listed here are designed to spark some ideas and get you thinking about how to approach performance reviews for your team members. The phrases are organized by the different skills, attributes and aspects of performance that are commonly covered in...