Phonics--Short i sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short o sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short u sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Long a sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Long e sound 2018-12-24关键字: 小学英语 语法 上一篇:Phonics--Long e sound 发布评论我来说2句 特别...
Phonics--Short a sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short e sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short i sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short o sound 2018-12-24 Phonics--Short u sound 2018-12-24关键字: 小学英语 语法 上一篇:Phonics--Short u soun 发布...
1、 The long /i/ category of phonetic elements includes i and igh as in the words night, child, and find. The long /i/ sound is sometimes referred to as a diphthong. However, for the purposes of this lesson, it will be treated as a single unit of sound.This lesson is divided ...
long “a” 读/eɪ/“ai” - pain, rain, train…“ay”- hay, day, clay…“eigh”- sleigh, weigh, eight…“a*e”- cake, ape, make…(词尾的e为silent e, 不发音) long “e” 读/i:/“ei”- receive, perceive…“ey”- key, monkey, turkey…“ie”- believe, chief, field, cooki...
Vowels, however, can also be paired up with other letters that help them to say their name. Today we're going to find out what happens when the letter i is paired up with certain letters. Who will help i make its long sound…
Phonics是通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,建立字母(letter)与语音(sound)之间的对应关系。不用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出该词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的问题。 Phonics颠覆了传统认知,成了教学主流之一。可以说,phonics是目前国际上最推崇的英语教学方法,在美国、英国、加拿大、新加坡、澳...
《Phonics Starter》由甘霖_Linda创作,目前已更新17个节目,包含long vowel sound "e"、long vowel sound"o"、long vowel sound "u"、short vowel "u"、long vowel "i"等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更多好内容尽在喜马拉雅。
Phonics 是字母拼读法,也有人称为自然拼读法,是字母与发音之间的对应规则(letter-sound-correspondence)。 每个字母与字母组合在单词里都有其对应的发音,孩子可以根据其对应的发音来拼读出该单词。如学会ar组合读音,就会很快念出 bar, car, dark, park, hard, tart 等等单词的读音。84%英文单词都遵循英语发音规则...
自然拼读是通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,建立字母(letter)与语音(sound)之间的对应关系。 不用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出该词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的问题。 即,见词能读,听音能写。 学好Phonics,能读出 80...
Lesson group 4 covers “letters next to an ‘e’” (pie, bee, toe, blue). Also included is the ‘ye’ making the long ‘I’ sound as in the word ‘bye’. Lesson group 5 introduces r-Controlled Vowels. ‘er’, ‘ir’, ‘ur’ all making the same sound, and the sounds ‘ar’...