网络Fun Phonics Made by Kids Vs Phonics ,共60集,每集1-2分钟左右。适合2-8岁 的宝宝学习。教学内容包含26个字母,长元音,元音组合,视频里以冒险主题教学为主,有学习单词,和学习句子,句子为一个小故事,生动有趣,很适合小朋友观看。英语学习 英语动画 少儿英语 英语启蒙 自然拼读 英语课程 ...
Long ooLearn Phonics: OOLearn Phonics: NGLearn Phonics: ERLearn Phonics: CHLearn Phonics: SHLearn Phonics: THLearn Phonics: THLearn Phonics: CKLearn Phonics: QULearn Phonics: OULearn Phonics: OILearn Phonics: UELearn Phonics: ARLearn Phonics: A_E Kids vs PhonicsLearn Phonics: E_ELearn Phoni...
所属专辑:自然拼读 | Kids vs Phonics动画60集全 超级联想记忆 猜你喜欢 329 Lon Po Po by:Matchbox火柴盒子 528 Tax Free Weekend-Lon G by:嘻哈有态度 179 School Daze (Higher Learning)-Lon G by:嘻哈有态度 154 高达oo by:低调飝哥 2465 ...
Alphabet A to Z Sound Song Phonics for English Education 英文字母 A-Z 英语儿童少儿早教英语启蒙教育 Muy_bien_木易缤 看动画学英语-朵拉(dora)英语完全解析-The Legend of the Big Red Chicken 外环杨老师 爱学习学院 零基础教学类英语动画《Yakka Dee》【1-7季全139集+特别版9集+1-3季台词本】 ...
Reading Bear offers a unique blend of phonics-based presentations, quizzes, and review activities, all aimed at enriching the learning journey of young readers. With a focus on children aged 4-7, the site stands out as an invaluable resource for educators and parents alike, seeking to nurture...
The app teaches kids phonics and alternative spelling of sounds. It is no wonder we believe it is one of the best apps for kids! Rating:Ages: 4+Price: $3.99Devices: iPhone, iPad, Android, Web13. LetterSchoolLetterSchool is a fun and easy app for kids to learn the alphabets with ...
Phonics by:莎小莎_1v 2.9万 Phonics by:曼曼央央 3917 Phonics by:垦丁英语教育 2.3万 Phonics by:Maria马利亚 6.6万 PHONICS by:Lily的英语课堂 3829 PHONICs by:Tracy_7ED 5213 Phonics by:美格教育世家 23.2万 Phonics by:Nibble_Station 5722
Being that is the fall season, I decided it was time for a long and short vowel activity with cute acorn puzzles. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – this phonics practice with both long vowels and short vowels is a great way to reinforce the concept and allow students...
Phonics long vowel sounds e-book 3 helps kids sound out letters to form long vowel sounds. For example, the vowels 'a' and 'e' make the phonetic sound /eɪ/.
Children will absorb essential phonics and vocabulary effortlessly, expanding their linguistic horizons with every tap and swipe. Designed with preschoolers in mind, "ABC Reading Writing for Kids" fosters a love for learning while building crucial skills for a successful academic journey. Interactive ...