建立字母与发音对应的概念,教授字母音,分辨单词中的音素,拼读练习,拼读效果检测与阅读运用.专业地说,学习Phonics,一般分为这样几个步骤:建立字母与发音对应的概念 (Establishing phonics awareness)教授字母音 (Learning letter sounds)分辨单词中的音素 (Identifying the sounds in words)拼读练习 (Blending)拼读效果...
❸ long “i”读/aɪ/ “igh”- high, sigh, fright… “ie”- tie, lie, pie… “i*e”- dive, ice, nice, mice…(词尾的e为silent e,不发音) “y” at the end of a word – by, fry, shy, sky… ❹ long “o”读/əʊ/ “oa”- coat, boat, load, toad… “oe”- f...
Love English, love life. Hello, everyone, welcome to my English channel-funny phonics. Today we are going to learn long vowel ---“o_e”. So are you ready? Okay, now let’s go. Step 2. Presentation long vowe...
Objectives: ★Review the key words from Unit 3 ★Listen to and read a story ★Learnsight words:want 想要、this 这个、my 我的 PIC 1:I see an iguana. I want a hot dog. 我看见一只蜥蜴。我想要一根热狗。 PIC 2:This is a ...
CVC Words(Consonant-Vowel-Consonant)这些CVC单词(有的地方称为”三字词“,如Cat, Big, Bed等等)中的元音发短元音。Long Vowel Word(长元音单词)长元音单词的规则有好几条,这里举个例子:自然拼读中有一个很常见的“词尾Y发两种音”,这一规律是说当一个单词以字母“y”结尾时,当单词只有1个音节时,...
Yes! This is a great app to play with your child. You can take turns guessing words and letters, as well as solving puzzles, and you can add your own explanations as you play. I can’t hear the audio! Check that the Mute function at the bottom left of the Main Menu screen has no...
CVC Words(Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) 这些CVC单词(有的地方称为”三字词“,如Cat, Big, Bed等等)中的元音发短元音。 Long Vowel Word(长元音单词) 长元音单词的规则有好几条,这里举个例子:自然拼读中有一个很常见的“词尾Y发两种音”,这一规律是说当一个单词以字母“y”结尾时,当单词只有1个音节时,“y...
CVC words a e i o u Short Vowel Sounds Phonics 1:01:52 Long Vowels Lesson 1 Long Vowel a (ape, ate, ake) 4 Step Phonics 14:28 Long Vowels Lesson 2 Long Vowel a (ace, ase, ave, age) 4 Step Phonics 15:56 Long Vowels Lesson 3 Long Vowel a (ale, ame, ane) 4 Step Phonics...
Hello, I was just curious if you can tell me what font you used for the words "Long A" on the first page of the preview...the one that has the black letter with white dashes. I absolutely love it! :) Thanks so much! Nicole ...