看了下会话,等待事件都是PGA memory operation,等待时间长达几百秒。 PGA memory operation等待事件在12.2开始引入,从字面上看是会话内存分配。 具体看了下等待事件原理。是在等待系统分配内存过程。理论上,一进程分配内存最多是毫秒级别。莫非系统内存出现问题。 https://fritshoogland.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/ora...
12.2 wait event ‘PGA memory operation’ 2020-07-30 14:59 −... Nathon-wang 0 3286 【日记】12.2 2019-12-02 23:33 −# 12.2日记 今日主要复习&学习了一些基本的数据结构:树状数组,线段树,单调队列,单调栈,并做了一些简单例题。 # 树状数组 确实短小精悍。 **能做的事情:** - 单点修改+区间...
简介: PGA memory operation The probable cause, if there was adequate PGA memory available, is that the Instance was CPU bound meaning it was waiting for the cpu to be able to address and allocate the memory. This would be an explanation for the ' PGA memory operation ' wait event. ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: SQL's waiting on PGA Memory Operation Wait Event after upgrade to 18c from 11g
在将参数 pga_aggregate_limit 更改为0后(这使等待事件"acknowledge over PGA limit"消失),SQL 性能未得到改善。 从以下10046事件跟踪文件中,几乎所有时间都在提取阶段花费在 CPU 上。等待事件"PGA memory operation"仍然频繁发生,虽然看起来不需要时间。 并且,所有行源操作步骤仍然没有明显的时间消耗。
UDI-00028: operation generated ORACLE error 28 ORA-00028: your session has been killed ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPV$FT_INT", line 1820 ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPC$QUE_INT", line 635 ORA-04036: PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT ...
When an EEPROM operation is executed, the CRC controller automatically calculates the correct CRC value and places the value in the ECCRC bit-field in the DEV_CLCRC register. Because the user EEPROM-memory locations are transparent to the SPI memory space, all of the user EEPROM values are ...
The SRAM can be accessed (read/write) at CPU clock speed with 0 wait states. 2.3 Embedded Flash memory Up to 128 KB of embedded Flash memory is available for storing programs and data. 2.4 Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) The SPD1188 embeds a nested vectored interrupt controller ...
The Flash memory access time is adjusted to the CPU clock frequency (0 wait state from 0 to 24 MHz, 1 wait state from 24 to 48 MHz and 2 wait states above). 3.4 Embedded SRAM STM32F358xC devices feature up to 48 Kbytes of embedded SRAM with hardware parity 12/134 DocID025540 Rev...
Wait Time in Standby Mode, ADC in Single Conversion Mode (50 SPS) Figure 60. Peak-to-Peak Resolution vs. Output Data Rate, Sinc3 + Sinc1 Filter (Low Power Mode) Figure 63. RMS Noise vs. Analog Input Voltage for the Internal Reference and External Reference (Gain = 32, 50 SPS) ...