为什么PGA会占用如此大的内存空间,根据分析是imo相关的进程,但是in memory是否正式在环境中使用了,没有,所以这个问题就变得有些诡异了,这里还要牵扯出12c里对于pga的一个新增参数pga_aggregate_limit,这个算是一个硬指标,不能超过它的值,防止一些异常的情况发生。而问题的愿意其实也很特别,是12c中的一个bug,解决方...
Another option is to set this value to a much higher value if there is enough physical memory in the server. Run below sql by logging in to sqlplus as agile database user: alter system set pga_aggregate_limit=10072M scope=both; Note: 3072M is just an example. Work with the DBA to ...
之所以此时PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 或者PGA_MAX_SIZE参数没有发挥作用,是因为PL/SQL本地变量不是通过常见的Oracle memory heap所管理,它们的大小仅受到操作系统的限制。 原文如下: The memory allocation type"pl/sql vc2"is used when Oracle needs to allocate memoryfora local variable in PL/SQL code. Some exa...
MGA Issue – and it is fixed with Oracle 19.8.0 and newer https://chinaraliyev.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/parallel-shared-hash-join/ Parallel Shared Hash Join This is a new method which is used to share memory between processes. In addition new stats names appeared in v$pgastat (MGA alloc...
In Oracle release 12.1: the greater of the following: 1. 2 GB 2. 200% of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 3. (Value ofPROCESSESinitialization parameter setting) * 3 MB 1. It will not exceed 120% of the physical memory size minus the total SGA size. ...
3. As we know, there is limitation for a user process. Can we set unlimited and how to do it? We say: PROPOSED SOLUTION(S) === ANSWER === Note 223730.1 Title Automatic PGA Memory Management in 9i and 10g This Document briefly describes how Oracle 9i manage PGA work area and how to...
之所以此时PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 或者PGA_MAX_SIZE参数没有发挥作用,是因为PL/SQL本地变量不是通过常见的Oracle memory heap所管理,它们的大小仅受到操作系统的限制。 原文如下: The memory allocation type"pl/sql vc2"is used when Oracle needs to allocate memoryfora local variable in PL/SQL code. Some exa...
REM Investigate memory from the database side REM col TTL format 999,999,999,999 heading "Total Memory" break on report compute sum on report of TTL select bytes TTL from v$sgainfo where name='Maximum SGA Size' union select value from v$pgastat where name='total PGA allocated' ...
REM Investigate memory from the database side REM col TTL format 999,999,999,999 heading "Total Memory" break on report compute sum on report of TTL select bytes TTL from v$sgainfo where name='Maximum SGA Size' union select value from v$pgastat where name='total PGA allocated' ...
In Oracle release 12.1: the greater of the following: 1. 2 GB 2. 200% of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 3. (Value ofPROCESSESinitialization parameter setting) * 3 MB It will not exceed 120% of the physical memory size minus the total SGA size. ...