Oracle PGA Memory Operation 详解 1. Oracle PGA 的概念 Oracle 的 PGA(Program Global Area)是与服务器进程相关联的私有内存区域,包含数据和控制信息。当用户连接到 Oracle 数据库实例时,会创建一个会话,并且 Oracle 会为该会话分配一个服务器进程。每个服务器进程都有自己的 PGA,用于处理 SQL 语句、控制登录和...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: SQL's waiting on PGA Memory Operation Wait Event after upgrade to 18c from 11g
给PGA一个整体的空间,Oracle则会按需求为server process分配PGA空间,但是并不会无限制的需求多少给多少在pga_aggregate_target范围内会尽量的满足server process的需求,但是超过了这个临界值后,会重新向oracle申请一些空间,但是此时为server process分配PGA空间时,为其分配的值会少于其需求值,并...
在 的10046事件跟踪文件中,"PGA memory operation"和"acknowledge over PGA limit"的等待事件要多得多;消耗在"acknowledge over PGA limit"的时间特别多。 此外, 和 环境都有很多等待事件"direct path read"和"direct path read temp"。 在12.1.0.2 中: call count cpu elapsed disk...
fritshoogland 大神ORACLE :pga-memory-operation latch
The event can be turned off again using: connect /as sysdba 1 altersystemsetevents'1422 trace name ERRORSTACK off'; In the event 1422 trace file, below sql query was causing error. *** ACTION NAME:(Select sys_context into variable) 2017-01-27 14:15:24.257 ...
Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance. PGA-21002: unable to obtain number bytes of memory for string Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway RRM process. A request failed to allocate bytes of memory for the usage area. Action: Ensure your system has enough ...
Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance. PGA-21002: unable to obtain number bytes of memory for string Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway RRM process. A request failed to allocate bytes of memory for the usage area. Action: Ensure your system has enough ...
Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later: SQL Statements Run Slower Waiting on "PGA memory operation" and "Acknowledge over PGA limit" After Migr
Supported customers should contact Oracle Worldwide Support for assistance. PGA-21002: unable to obtain number bytes of memory for string Cause: Memory shortage in the gateway RRM process. A request failed to allocate bytes of memory for the usage area. Action: Ensure your system has enough ...