pfsense配置 浏览器登录web页面配置http://这个ip地址是在LAN网卡上,WAN网卡ip可能登录不了,因为自带的Firewall Rules) 默认username:admin 默认password:pfsense 选择Interfaces->>(assign),配置不同的网段(可以设置vlan子接口) 配置结果如下: 选择System->>Routing,添加default gateway 选择Firewall->...
Firewall > Rules, WAN tab Click to create a new rule at the top of the listSet the options as follows: Protocol: UDP Source: any Destination: WAN Address Destination port: 1194, or whichever port the server is using to listen Description: Allow traffic to OpenVPN Server ...
. . 92 6.2 Default WAN rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.3 Default LAN rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.4 Add LAN rule ...
端口映射分为单端口和范围端口。但端口容易理解,访问WAN 的 数据包都转发到内部LAN;范围端口是在 frommton的端口范围内的数据包都发送到内部IP的对应端口上,减少规则的数量。 Save -> Apply Changes,与此同时pfSense会自动在防火墙里添加规则,Firewal -> Rules pfSense做负载均...
之后在这个rules菜单下WAN有一个规则 之后保存并执行 然后回到LAN中我们添加一台可以上网的电脑到规则中: 如图: 如果在Protocol中选择any的话则不被tcp/udp的协议限制,也能ping的通IP了。 下面我们来设置通过代理上网的方法: 首先在在菜单System选择Package然后下载squidGuard这个包安装好后,我们进入Firewall菜单中的R...
Is pfSense a better option as compared to an off-the-shelf router? Most probably. The off-the-shelf routers can be unreliable and vulnerable due to limited updates and manufacturer restrictions. Meanwhile, pfSense is an open-source operating system that is regularly updated to fix security issues...
. Traffic for VTI mode works the same way by default but can operate on a per-interface basis in certain conditions. See Tunneled IPsec Traffic from Remote to Local for details. OpenVPN¶OpenVPN does not automatically add rules to WAN interfaces. The OpenVPN remote access VPN Wizard offers...
把??WAN的Gateway ?在一起,自?就???平衡了。?要做一?步?: 在pfsense --> Firewall: Rules 要再LAN部分增加一?Rule Proto Source Port Destination Port Gateway Description * LAN net * * * Balancer - pool Default LAN -> any Balancer - pool??就是先前?置的POOL,一定要把Gateway ?置成??,...
設定好 Gateway Groups 後,前往 Firewall -> Rules -> LAN 編輯一下 LAN net 的閘道。 往下拉找到 Advanced features 部份的 Gateway,將它從原本的「Default」改成剛才我們建立的 Gateway Groups「MULTIWAN」。如此便大功告成。 如果你有使用 Traffic Shaper (流量塑型),請前往 Firewall -> Traffic Shaper,從...