設定多 WAN 線路 使用多條不同的WAN線路傳輸資料,可再提高頻寬的同時還能實現線路備援的功能。 pfSense 目前只支援使用固定 IP 與 DHCP 來連接多 WAN 線路,暫時還不支援 PPPOE 和 PPTP 等多 WAN接入線路(官方已宣佈正開發 PPPOE 多 WAN 接入線路的功能,相信 pfSense 的下個版本就會支援)。 (1) 將實體網卡正...
支持多条WAN 线路和负载均衡功能,可大幅度提高网络出口带宽,在带宽拥塞时自动分配 负载。 内置了Ipsec 和PPTP VPN 功能,实现不同分支机构的远程互联或远程用户安全地访问内部 网。 支持802.1Q VLAN 标准,可以通过软件模拟的方式使得普通的网卡能识别802.1Q 的标记, 同时为多个VLAN 的用户提供服务。
After the pfSense installationwas completed, I used Jperf for a quick throughput review and found that LAN> WAN and wan-lan had more than 90 Mbps bandwidth. I won't be able to do allthe functionality of pfSense here, but it does have some impressive features.Even if you can't load it...
OpenVPN and Multi-WAN OpenVPN and High Availability Sharing a Port with OpenVPN and a Web Server Controlling Client Parameters via RADIUS OpenVPN Adapter Address ICMP Behavior OpenVPNis an open source VPN solution which can provide access to remote access clients and enable site-to-site connectiv...
For user-based authentication, the most efficient method of user management for large numbers of accounts is an external authentication source, such as a RADIUS server, LDAP server, Active Directory (Via LDAP or RADIUS/NPS), etc.Check Logs¶ If additional users are unable to connect, look in...
Easy to install, Easy to understand, Easy to implement, rules creation and log check process use full and easy tounderstand and reporting pasrt also very stroing and use full bandwidth management and capping very easy.Very fast customer/tesc support. User it on daily basis. easy to integrated...
Easy to install, Easy to understand, Easy to implement, rules creation and log check process use full and easy tounderstand and reporting pasrt also very stroing and use full bandwidth management and capping very easy.Very fast customer/tesc support. User it on daily basis. easy to integrated...
Voer het IPv4-adres voor de WAN-interface in. Geef het netmasker op voor de bittellingen. (24 = 255,255,255,0, 16 = 255,255,0,0, 8 = 255,0,0,0) Voer het gatewayadres voor de WAN-interface in. Als u wilt dat deze gateway de standaardgateway voor het...
◆支持多条WAN线路和负载均衡功能,可大幅度提高网络出口带宽,在带宽拥塞时自动分配 负载。◆内置了Ipsec和PPTP VPN功能,实现不同分支机构的远程互联或远程用户安全地访问内部 网。◆支持802.1Q VLAN标准,可以通过软件模拟的方式使得普通的网卡能识别802.1Q的标记,同时为多个VLAN的用户提供服务。◆支持使用额外的...
PFSense start options This table lists the start settings.