Think of it as your personal network management wizard, ready to adapt its powerful capabilities for any scenario, from the lone IT crusader to the largest enterprise fleet. Now that you've got a clear picture of what pfSense can do let’s explore the minds behind this incredible toolkit....
pfSense is a free and open source firewall and router that also features unified threat management, load balancing, multi WAN, and more
🔵 REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO: Curso GRÁTIS Netgate pfSense (2.6, 2.7 e Plus) Firewall UTM (Unified Threat Management - Gerenciamento Unificado de Ameaças) / NGFW (Next Generation Firewall - Firewall de Última Geração) dnsrulesopenvpnipsecdhcpproxyfirewallvpnpfsensengfwutmcafirewall-pfs...
若原備份檔不含 packages 的相關設定,則 packages 都必須透過 pfSense 的 webGUI 重新安裝一次。 SNMP (Simple Net work Management Protocol) SNMP 可監控你的網路卡進出流量,並透過網路提供具有 MTRG 的機器來描繪流量圖,不過 pfSense 本身不提供 MTRG 的作圖。如要開啓 SNMP,只要開啟 pfSense 主功能頁面 "Servi...
Interface: WAN (make one of these rules for each WAN) Protocol: any Source: This Firewall (self) Destination: any Not: Unchecked Translation Address: Interface Address Port or Range: Blank Description: NAT anything out from the firewall itself ...
The DNS Resolver will not allow queries from the subnet(s) on a WAN type interface without a manual ACL entry.LAN Type Interface¶A LAN type interface is an interface which connects to a local network, for example a LAN, DMZ, management network, guest network, and so on. Typically ...
pfSense是一个FreeBSD下的免费开源的防火墙和路由器软件。 pfSense是源自于m0n0wall的操作系统。它使用的技术包括Packet Filter,FreeBSD 6.x(或DragonFly BSD,假如ALTQ和CARP完成了的话)的ALTQ(以出色地支持分组队列),集成的包管理系统(以为其环境扩展新的特性)。 项目地址:...
支持多条WAN 线路和负载均衡功能,可大幅度提高网络出口带宽,在带宽拥塞时自动分配 负载。 内置了Ipsec 和PPTP VPN 功能,实现不同分支机构的远程互联或远程用户安全地访问内部 网。 支持802.1Q VLAN 标准,可以通过软件模拟的方式使得普通的网卡能识别802.1Q 的标记, 同时为多个VLAN 的用户提供服务。
However, on a home / small biz setup, it is really easier and rather safe to allow management from the workstation VLAN too. Just secure your ACLs, restrict access to management interfaces from other VLANs/IPs and activate DHCP snooping for additional security Reactions: Pakna ...